[Topical hormonal treatment and urogenital atrophy].
Mo kle
Hypoestrogenemia-derived urogenital symptoms after menopause manifest after some years of hormonal deficit and appear commonly in elderly, untreated women. In the urogenital tract low postmenopausal estrogen levels lead to vaginal irritation and dryness and to dyspareunia, often accompanied by other symptoms like uriesthesis, incontinence or recurrent infections. Every systemic estrogen treatment is accepted as efficient for the correction of urogenital symptoms, often even at doses lower than those necessary for the correction of vasomotor symptoms. Diverse local treatments have been proposed: estriol, promestriene and low-dose estrone or estradiol. Promestriene applied locally stimulates differentiation and maturation of vaginal mucosa and compensates local hypoestrogenic effects without marked hormonal effects outside the vagina. Vaginal application of estrone, on the other hand, has rather been proposed for systemic hormone substitution and elevated levels of estrone and estradiol observed in the plasma render this method in-appropriate in cases where strictly local effects are desired. Recently, very low doses of estradiol in a range of 7.5 micrograms/day have been proposed for the treatment of urogenital atrophy by means of a prolonged release regimen. Among the described preparations, those with strictly local (devoid of systemic) effects should be restricted to patients with contraindications for systemic substitution therapy. Local estrogen therapies are recommended for the treatment of complaints due to vulvar and vaginal atrophy. They have also been proposed by certain authors for the acceleration of the cervico-vaginal and vulvar cicatrisation after surgical interventions or postpartum. The presence of miction disorders in elderly postmenopausal women is also a point in favour of local treatment.