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Diabetic Foot ulcers are a major cause of admission in diabetic patients, and comprise a disproportionately high number of hospital days because of multiple surgical procedures and prolonged length of stay in Hospital.
The improvement in diabetes therapy and the reinforcement of guidelines have
Purpose of our study investigation of the effects foot exercises in patients with type 2 diabetic and peripheral neuropathy.
Excepted results: Routine treatment + foot exercises pain, flexibility, edema, muscle strength, sensation, quality of life we believe that there will be good progress in
Infection: will be defined as a patient with three of six clinical signs of infection (erythema, heat, edema, pain, loss of function, purulence) or leukocytosis. We will use the Infectious Diseases Society of America's Diabetic Foot Infection guidelines to stratify the severity of infection. This
According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), there are approximately 20.8 million people in the US with diabetes or 7% of the population (1). A significant number of the diabetic population is prone to pedal ulceration and estimates reveal that 15-20% of this population will develop a foot