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The traditional use of medicinal plants in the management of sexual dysfunctions has a long history. This study investigated testicular dysfunction ameliorative effect of the methanolic roots extracts of Maytenus procumbens and Ozoroa paniculosa in a butanol-induced testicular dysfunction rat model.
The subchronic toxicity of the aqueous antidiabetic herbal extract ADD-199, prepared from Maytenus senegalensis, Annona senegalensis, Kigelia africana and Lanneawelwitschii, and administered at a daily dose of 100 or 500 mg/kg body weight over 30 days, was investigated in male Wistar albino rats.
Although Maytenus ilicifolia is used in Brazilian folk medicine as a diuretic drug, no study has been conducted to this date in order to evaluate this ethnopharmacological statement. So, the aim of this study was to evaluate possible mechanisms involved in acute diuretic activity of the