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BW12C (5-[2-formyl-3-hydroxypenoxyl] pentanoic acid) is an agent which stabilises oxyhaemoglobin and thus reduces oxygen delivery to tissues. It is of interest as a possible potentiator of bioreductive agents and/or hyperthermia. The increases in radiobiological hypoxic fraction of RIF-1 and KHT
BW12C (5-[2-formyl-3-hydroxypenoxyl] pentanoic acid) stabilizes oxyhaemoglobin, causing a reversible left-shift of the oxygen saturation curve (OSC) and tissue hypoxia. The activity of mitomycin C (MMC) is enhanced by hypoxia. In this phase II study, 17 patients with metastatic colorectal cancer
When exposed to hypoxia, the isolated rat atria released lactate into the bathing medium and underwent a rise in resting tension and a decline of the contractions frequency. In some of them, it also occurred a complete cessation of the pacemaker activity. Atria from 24-h fasted rats, when compared
Hypoxia, reactive oxygen species (ROS) and oxidative stress contribute to contrast-induced acute kidney injury (CI-AKI) and ischemic reperfusion injury (IRI) in the kidney and heart. Imbalance between the increased formation of ROS by hypoxia in the cardiac and renal tissue and the low availability