Haitian Creole

Fructose Supplementation in Carriers for Hereditary Fructose Intolerance

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Belépés Regisztrálás
A hivatkozás a vágólapra kerül
University of Lausanne
University of Liege



This study aimed to examine metabolic response to a short-term fructose enriched diet in carriers for hereditary fructose intolerance compared to controls. Effects of fructose coffees will be assessed in 7 healthy volunteers and 7 subjects with heterozygous mutation for ALDOB gene in a randomized, controlled, crossover trial.


A high fructose intake also increases blood lactate and uric acid concentrations. It has been proposed that uric acid may contribute to insulin resistance by impairing endothelium-dependent vasodilation, promoting pro-inflammatory effects and dyslipidemia by activating de novo lipogenesis.

These consequences of fructose overconsumption may be even more marked in individuals with hereditary alterations in fructose metabolism. Indeed, individuals with hereditary fructose intolerance (HFI), due to biallelic mutations in the gene coding for aldolase B (ALDOB), may develop acute, life-threatening manifestations when exposed to fructose. Heterozygous carriers of ALDOB mutation are quite common in the general population, with a predicted frequency ranging between 1:55 and 1:120. Few studies have examined the effect of fructose ingestion in heterozygotes subject for HFI. Heterozygous carriers are generally considered to have normal fructose metabolism since a ~ 50% level of aldolase B activity is presumed to be sufficient for adequate function. However, heterozygous carriers were reported to have enhanced uric acid responses to large intravenous and/or oral fructose loads.

Investigators hypothesized that heterozygous carriers may also have mild defects of fructose metabolism and/or a larger increase in cardiometabolic risk factors than the normal population after ingestion of moderate amounts of fructose.


Utolsó ellenőrzés: 03/31/2019
Első benyújtás: 05/06/2018
Becsült beiratkozás benyújtva: 05/21/2018
Első közzététel: 06/03/2018
Utolsó frissítés beküldve: 04/18/2019
Utolsó frissítés közzétéve: 04/21/2019
A tanulmány tényleges kezdési dátuma: 04/30/2018
Becsült elsődleges befejezési dátum: 11/30/2018
A tanulmány becsült befejezési dátuma: 03/31/2019

Állapot vagy betegség

Hereditary Fructose Intolerance

Beavatkozás / kezelés

Other: Experimental diet Fru rich diet

Other: Experimental low Fru diet




KarBeavatkozás / kezelés
Other: Experimental diet Fru rich diet
Enriched fructose diet from day 1 to day 7.
Other: Experimental diet Fru rich diet
7 days (day 1 to day 7) with fructose enriched drinks 3x/d. Test meal at day 7 with fructose (0.7 g/body weight) and glucose (0.7 g/body weight)
Other: Experimental low Fru diet
Low fructose diet from day 1 to day 7.
Other: Experimental low Fru diet
7 days (day 1 to day 7) with low-fructose diet (<10g/d). Test meal at day 7 with fructose (0.7 g/body weight) and glucose (0.7 g/body weight)

Jogosultsági kritériumok

Tanulásra alkalmas korok 18 Years Nak nek 18 Years
Tanulásra alkalmas nemekAll
Egészséges önkénteseket fogadIgen

Inclusion Criteria:

- Case subjects: Heterozygous carriers for ALDOB mutation confirmed by molecular analysis

- Control subjects: healthy individuals matched for weight and age to subjects

Exclusion Criteria:

- Fasting glucose > 7.0 mmol/L

- Fasting triglycerides > 4.0 mmol/L

- Chronic renal insufficiency (eGFR < 50 ml/min)

- Drugs

- Women who are pregnant or breast feeding

- For women: lack of safe contraception

- Alcool consumption > 30g/d

- Inability to discern


Elsődleges eredménymérők

1. Metabolite concentration [Time Frame: -30 min before ingestion of a test meal to 120 min after ingestion of a test meal]

The primary endpoint is the change of metabolite concentration after ingestion of a test meal (oral glucose and fructose load) under 2 conditions (enriched fructose diet vs poor fructose diet) according to a crossover design

Másodlagos eredménymérők

1. Plasma glucose concentration [Time Frame: -30 min before ingestion of a test meal to 120 min after ingestion of a test meal]

Change in glucose concentration after ingestion of a test meal under 2 conditions (enriched fructose diet vs poor fructose diet) according to a crossover design

2. Plasma insulin concentration [Time Frame: -30 min before ingestion of a test meal to 120 min after ingestion of a test meal]

Change in insulin concentration after ingestion of a test meal under 2 conditions (enriched fructose diet vs poor fructose diet) according to a crossover design

3. Plasma fructose concentration [Time Frame: -30 min before ingestion of a test meal to 120 min after ingestion of a test meal]

Change in fructose concentration after ingestion of a test meal under 2 conditions (enriched fructose diet vs poor fructose diet) according to a crossover design

4. Plasma uric acid concentration [Time Frame: -30 min before ingestion of a test meal to 120 min after ingestion of a test meal]

Change in uric acid concentration after ingestion of a test meal under 2 conditions (enriched fructose diet vs poor fructose diet) according to a crossover design

5. Plasma lactate concentration [Time Frame: -30 min before ingestion of a test meal to 120 min after ingestion of a test meal]

Change in lactate concentration after ingestion of a test meal under 2 conditions (enriched fructose diet vs poor fructose diet) according to a crossover design

6. Plasma urea concentration [Time Frame: -30 min before ingestion of a test meal to 120 min after ingestion of a test meal]

Change in urea concentration after ingestion of a test meal under 2 conditions (enriched fructose diet vs poor fructose diet) according to a crossover design

7. Plasma creatinine concentration [Time Frame: -30 min before ingestion of a test meal to 120 min after ingestion of a test meal]

Change in creatinine concentration after ingestion of a test meal under 2 conditions (enriched fructose diet vs poor fructose diet) according to a crossover design

8. Plasma phosphate concentration [Time Frame: -30 min before ingestion of a test meal to 120 min after ingestion of a test meal]

Change in phosphate concentration after ingestion of a test meal under 2 conditions (enriched fructose diet vs poor fructose diet) according to a crossover design

9. Plasma triglycerides concentration [Time Frame: -30 min before ingestion of a test meal to 120 min after ingestion of a test meal]

Change in triglycerides concentration after ingestion of a test meal under 2 conditions (enriched fructose diet vs poor fructose diet) according to a crossover design

10. Plasma metabolome concentration [Time Frame: -30 min before ingestion of a test meal to 120 min after ingestion of a test meal]

Change in metabolome concentration after ingestion of a test meal under 2 conditions (enriched fructose diet vs poor fructose diet) according to a crossover design

11. Plasma ammonia concentration [Time Frame: -30 min before ingestion of a test meal to 120 min after ingestion of a test meal]

Change in ammonia concentration after ingestion of a test meal under 2 conditions (enriched fructose diet vs poor fructose diet) according to a crossover design

12. Plasma amino acid concentration [Time Frame: -30 min before ingestion of a test meal to 120 min after ingestion of a test meal]

Change in amino acid concentration after ingestion of a test meal under 2 conditions (enriched fructose diet vs poor fructose diet) according to a crossover design

13. Plasma alanine transaminase (ALAT) concentration [Time Frame: -30 min before ingestion of a test meal to 120 min after ingestion of a test meal]

Change in alanine transminase (ALAT) concentration after ingestion of a test meal under 2 conditions (enriched fructose diet vs poor fructose diet) according to a crossover design

14. Plasma aspartate transaminase (ASAT) concentration [Time Frame: -30 min before ingestion of a test meal to 120 min after ingestion of a test meal]

Change in aspartate transaminase (ASAT) concentration after ingestion of a test meal under 2 conditions (enriched fructose diet vs poor fructose diet) according to a crossover design

15. Urine metabolome concentration [Time Frame: 24 hour urine collection before ingestion of a test meal and after 7 days of 2 conditions (enriched fructose diet vs poor fructose diet) according to a crossover design]

Change in urine metabolome profile after low fructose diet and an enriched fructose diet according to a crossover design

16. Urine creatinine concentration [Time Frame: 24 hour urine collection before ingestion of a test meal and after 7 days of 2 conditions (enriched fructose diet vs poor fructose diet) according to a crossover design]

Change in urine creatinine profile after low fructose diet and an enriched fructose diet according to a crossover design

17. Urine urea concentration [Time Frame: 24 hour urine collection before ingestion of a test meal and after 7 days of 2 conditions (enriched fructose diet vs poor fructose diet) according to a crossover design]

Change in urine urea profile after low fructose diet and an enriched fructose diet according to a crossover design

18. Urine uric acid concentration [Time Frame: 24 hour urine collection before ingestion of a test meal and after 7 days of 2 conditions (enriched fructose diet vs poor fructose diet) according to a crossover design]

Change in urine uric acid profile after low fructose diet and an enriched fructose diet according to a crossover design

19. Body weight [Time Frame: at baseline before study intervention and at the end of each conditions (enriched fructose diet vs poor fructose diet) according to a crossover design]

Change of body weight after low fructose diet and an enriched fructose diet according to a crossover design

20. Blood pressure [Time Frame: at baseline before study intervention and at the end of each conditions (enriched fructose diet vs poor fructose diet) according to a crossover design]

Change of systolic and diastolic pressure after low fructose diet and an enriched fructose diet according to a crossover design

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