Haitian Creole

Tumor Hypoxia With HX4 PET in Several Diseases

Միայն գրանցված օգտվողները կարող են հոդվածներ թարգմանել
Մուտք / Գրանցվել
Հղումը պահվում է clipboard- ում
ԿարգավիճակԴադարեցվել է
Maastricht Radiation Oncology



Regulation of tissue oxygen homeostasis is critical for cell function, proliferation and survival. Evidence for this continues to accumulate along with our understanding of the complex oxygen-sensing pathways present within cells. Several pathophysiological disorders are associated with a loss in oxygen homeostasis, including heart disease, stroke, and cancer. The microenvironment of tumors in particular is very oxygen heterogeneous, with hypoxic areas which may explain our difficulty treating cancer effectively. Prostate carcinomas are known to be hypoxic. Increasing levels of hypoxia within prostatic tissue is related to increasing clinical stage, patient age and a more aggressive prostate cancer. Several researches indicated that hypoxia might also play a role in esophageal cancer. In glial brain tumors, hypoxia is correlated with more rapid tumor recurrence and the hypoxic burden in newly diagnosed glioblastomas is linked to the biological aggressiveness. In brain metastases CA-IX expression (a marker for hypoxia) is correlated to the primary non-small cell lung carcinomas. Hypoxia enhances proliferation, angiogenesis, metastasis, chemoresistance and radioresistance of hepatocellular carcinoma. The hypoxic markers HIF-1α, VEGF, CA-IX and GLUT-1 were all over expressed in colorectal cancer and its liver metastases. Based on literature, hypoxia in tumors originating or disseminated to prostate, esophagus, brain and rectum cancer will be studied in this trial.


Rationale: Non-invasive imaging of hypoxia with the aid of PET-scans could help to select the patients having a hypoxic tumor, who could be treated with specific anti-hypoxic treatments. The added value of additional anti-hypoxic treatments depends on the presence of hypoxia and adequate patient selection. Several 2-nitroimidazoles, labeled with Fluor-18 (18F) have already been used in patients to identify hypoxia. However, suboptimal image quality and unpredictable kinetics limit their use. In extensive pre-clinical models and clinical trials the combination of HX4 labeled with 18F showed to be a promising and non-toxic new probe to determine hypoxia. With this tracer the proportion of hypoxic tumors in several cancer types will be verified.

Objective: Determine if tumor hypoxia can be accurately visualized with [18F]HX4 in solid lesions.

Study design: Phase II, several solid tumors, single-centre, imaging, non-randomized, open label trial.

Study population:

Main patient characteristics are:

- Histological/cytological confirmed carcinoma of de esophagus, rectum or prostate or radiological suspicion for Grade IV glioma (primary brain tumor) or brain metastases.

- WHO performance status 0 to 2

- Adequate renal function (calculated creatinine clearance at least 60 ml/min).

- Capable of complying with study procedures

Main intervention: In addition to standard clinical care patients receive two additional PET scans after injection with the hypoxia tracer [18F]HX4.

Main study parameters/endpoints:

- Visualization and quantification of tumor hypoxia with [18F] HX4 PET imaging

- Exploring the potential relationship between [18F] HX4 uptake with local and locoregional tumor recurrence and survival

- Correlation of hypoxia imaging with blood hypoxia markers

- Correlation of hypoxia imaging with tumor tissue biomarkers

- Evaluation of tumor hypoxia changes during treatment.

- Spatial correlation of [18F] HX4-PET with imaging pre-treatment (if present from routine clinical practice)

- Spatial correlation of [18F] HX4-PET with imaging three months after treatment (if present from routine clinical practice)

- Quantitative and qualitative correlation of [18F] HX4-PET obtained before treatment and two weeks into treatment

Nature and extent of the burden and risks associated with participation, benefit and group relatedness:

The radiation burden due to [18F]HX4 is similar to that encountered in many routine nuclear medicine procedures e.g. [18F]FDG PET. Administration of [18F]HX4 presents no known risks. In previous studies (healthy volunteers, phase I, phase II) no adverse effects were observed. There are no immediate potential benefits except the satisfaction to participate to improve of knowledge.


Վերջին ստուգումը: 02/28/2019
Առաջինը ներկայացվում է: 10/06/2015
Մոտավոր գրանցումը ներկայացված է: 10/20/2015
Առաջին տեղադրումը: 10/21/2015
Վերջին թարմացումը ներկայացված է: 03/06/2019
Վերջին թարմացումը տեղադրված է: 03/07/2019
Ուսումնասիրության իրական մեկնարկի ամսաթիվը: 04/30/2016
Նախնական ավարտման նախնական ամսաթիվը: 04/30/2017
Ուսումնասիրության ավարտի գնահատման ամսաթիվը: 04/30/2017

Վիճակ կամ հիվանդություն

Prostatic Neoplasms
Esophageal Neoplasms
Neoplasm Metastases, Brain
Rectal Neoplasms
Brain Neoplasm, Primary

Միջամտություն / բուժում

Drug: [18F]HX4 PET imaging


Փուլ 2

Arm խմբերը

ԱրմՄիջամտություն / բուժում
Experimental: [18F]HX4 PET imaging
Injection with the hypoxia tracer [18F]HX4 and PET imaging at baseline for esophageal, rectal, prostate cancer, primary brain tumor (grade IV glioma) and brain metastases and after 2 weeks of radiotherapy for esophageal, rectal and brain metastases
Drug: [18F]HX4 PET imaging
The [18F]HX4 PET scan will be performed, by administrating 444 MBq (12 mCi) [18F]HX4 via a bolus IV injection.

Իրավասության չափանիշներ

Ուսման իրավունք ունեցող դարաշրջանները 18 Years Դեպի 18 Years
Ուսումնասիրության իրավունք ունեցող սեռերըAll
Ընդունում է առողջ կամավորներԱյո

Inclusion Criteria:

- Histological/cytological confirmed carcinoma of de esophagus, rectum or prostate or radiological suspicion for Grade IV glioma (primary brain tumor) or brain metastases

- WHO performance status 0 to 2.

- Adequate renal function (calculated creatinine clearance at least 60 ml/min).

- The patient is willing and capable to comply with study procedures

- 18 years or older

- Have given written informed consent before patient registration

Exclusion Criteria:

- Recent (< 3 months) myocardial infarction

- Pregnant or breast feeding and willing to take adequate contraceptive measures during the study


Արդյունքների առաջնային միջոցառումներ

1. Visualization of tumor hypoxia with [18F] HX4 PET imaging, valuated by the measurement of a tumor-to-background (T/B) ratio on the [18F]HX4 PET/CT [4 years]

Visualization of tumor hypoxia with [18F] HX4 PET imaging

2. Quantification of tumor hypoxia with [18F] HX4 PET imaging, evaluated by the measurement of a tumor-to-background (T/B) ratio on the [18F]HX4 PET/CT [4 years]

Quantification of tumor hypoxia with [18F] HX4 PET imaging

Արդյունքների երկրորդական միջոցներ

1. Time between [18F] HX4 uptake with local and locoregional tumor recurrence and survival [4 years]

Exploring the potential relationship of [18F] HX4 uptake with local and locoregional tumor recurrence and survival

2. Correlation of hypoxia imaging with blood hypoxia markers will be measured by the Pearson or Spearman correlation coefficient [4 years]

Correlation of hypoxia imaging with blood hypoxia markers

3. Correlation of hypoxia imaging with tumor tissue biomarkers will be measured by the Pearson or Spearman correlation coefficient [4 years]

Correlation of hypoxia imaging with tumor tissue biomarkers

4. Evaluation of tumor hypoxia changes during treatment by comparison of the PET uptake values in the tumor, measured before and during treatment [4 years]

Evaluation of tumor hypoxia changes during treatment

5. Spatial correlation of [18F] HX4-PET with imaging pre-treatment using a correlation coefficient [4 years]

Spatial correlation of [18F] HX4-PET with imaging pre-treatment (if present from routine clinical practice); performed by a rigid registration of the scans and a voxel wise comparison of the uptake within the tumor

6. Spatial correlation of [18F] HX4-PET with imaging three months after treatment using a correlation coefficient [3 months]

Spatial correlation of [18F] HX4-PET with imaging three months after treatment (if present from routine clinical practice), performed by a rigid registration of the scans and a voxel wise comparison of the uptake within the tumor

Միացեք մեր
ֆեյսբուքյան էջին

Բժշկական դեղաբույսերի ամենալավ տվյալների շտեմարանը, որին աջակցում է գիտությունը

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  • Բուսական բուժում, որին աջակցում է գիտությունը
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  • Կարդացեք ձեր որոնմանը վերաբերող գիտական հրապարակումները
  • Որոնեք բուժիչ դեղաբույսերը ՝ դրանց ազդեցությամբ
  • Կազմակերպեք ձեր հետաքրքրությունները և մշտապես տեղեկացեք նորությունների հետազոտությունների, կլինիկական փորձարկումների և արտոնագրերի մասին

Մուտքագրեք ախտանիշ կամ հիվանդություն և կարդացեք խոտաբույսերի մասին, որոնք կարող են օգնել, տպեք խոտ և տեսեք այն հիվանդություններն ու ախտանիշները, որոնց դեմ օգտագործվում են:
* Ամբողջ տեղեկատվությունը հիմնված է հրապարակված գիտական հետազոտության վրա

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