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nicotiana corymbosa/նեկրոզ

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Lettuce chlorosis virus P23 Suppresses RNA Silencing and Induces Local Necrosis with Increased Severity at Raised Temperatures.

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Մուտք / Գրանցվել
RNA silencing functions as an antivirus defense strategy in plants, one that plant viruses counter by producing viral suppressors of RNA silencing (VSRs). VSRs have been identified in three members of the genus Crinivirus but they do not all share identical suppression mechanisms. Here, we used

The Potato virus Y M(S)N(R) NIb-replicase is the elicitor of a veinal necrosis-hypersensitive response in root knot nematode resistant tobacco.

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Մուտք / Գրանցվել
Summary A root knot nematode resistance gene in Nicotiana tabacum, Rk, providing resistance to the nematode parasite Meloidogyne incognita is tightly linked to, or is a pleiotropic gene with a veinal necrosis systemic hypersensitive response to infection by Potato virus Y (PVY) M(s)N(r). The single

Characterization of Potato virus Y (PVY) molecular determinants involved in the vein necrosis symptom induced by PVYN isolates in infected Nicotiana tabacum cv. Xanthi.

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Մուտք / Գրանցվել
Viral molecular determinant(s) involved in the tobacco vein necrosis (TVN) symptom induced by necrotic isolates of Potato virus Y (PVY) on Nicotiana tabacum cv. Xanthi leaves remain undetermined. Reference isolates belonging to PVY(N) (infectious PVY(N)-605 clone) and PVY(O) (PVY(O)-139) were used

The acquisition of molecular determinants involved in potato virus Y necrosis capacity leads to fitness reduction in tobacco plants.

Միայն գրանցված օգտվողները կարող են հոդվածներ թարգմանել
Մուտք / Գրանցվել
The prevalence of necrotic potato virus Y (PVY) in natural populations could reflect increased fitness of necrotic isolates. In this paper, the effects of the acquisition of molecular determinants (A/G(2213) and A/C(2271)) involved in necrosis capacity on both the number of progeny produced and the

Correlation between binding affinity and necrosis-inducing activity of mutant AVR9 peptide elicitors.

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Մուտք / Գրանցվել
The race-specific peptide elicitor AVR9 of the fungus Cladosporium fulvum induces a hypersensitive response only in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) plants carrying the complementary resistance gene Cf-9 (MoneyMaker-Cf9). A binding site for AVR9 is present on the plasma membranes of both resistant

Movement of elicitins, necrosis-inducing proteins secreted by Phytophthora sp., in tobacco.

Միայն գրանցված օգտվողները կարող են հոդվածներ թարգմանել
Մուտք / Գրանցվել
In culture, Phytophthora fungi - except P. nicotianae - secrete proteins, called elicitins, which cause necrosis on the leaf of the non-host tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) at a distance from the inoculation site, and are responsible for the incompatible reaction. Cryptogein and capsicein are

Relationship between Active Oxygen Species, Lipid Peroxidation, Necrosis, and Phytoalexin Production Induced by Elicitins in Nicotiana.

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Մուտք / Գրանցվել
Excised leaves of Nicotiana tabacum var Xanthi and Nicotiana rustica were treated with cryptogein and capsicein, basic and acidic elicitins, respectively. Both compounds induced leaf necrosis, the intensity of which depended on concentration and duration of treatment. N. tabacum var Xanthi was the

Infectious transcripts from cloned cucumber necrosis virus cDNA: evidence for a bifunctional subgenomic mRNA.

Միայն գրանցված օգտվողները կարող են հոդվածներ թարգմանել
Մուտք / Գրանցվել
Highly infectious synthetic transcripts from full-length cucumber necrosis virus (CNV) cDNA clones have been prepared. Infections produced by these transcripts, by CNV RNA, and by mutated transcripts are compared. Inoculation with natural CNV RNA resulted in a mild systemic necrosis in Nicotiana

Symptomatology and movement of a cucumber necrosis virus mutant lacking the coat protein protruding domain.

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Մուտք / Գրանցվել
A cucumber necrosis virus (CNV) mutant which lacks the coding sequence for the coat protein protruding domain, PD(-), was constructed by site-directed mutagenesis of an infectious CNV cDNA clone, pK2/M5 (wild-type, 4701 nt). Transcripts of PD(-) were infectious on Nicotiana clevelandii; however,

Transgenic Nicotiana occidentalis Plants Expressing the 50-kDa Protein of Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus Display Increased Susceptibility to Homologous Virus, but Strong Resistance to Grapevine berry inner necrosis virus.

Միայն գրանցված օգտվողները կարող են հոդվածներ թարգմանել
Մուտք / Գրանցվել
ABSTRACT The 50-kDa protein (P50) encoded by the open reading frame 2 of Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (ACLSV), a putative movement protein, was expressed in transgenic Nicotiana occidentalis plants. P50 in transgenic plants was mainly detected in a modified form in the cell wall fraction, similar

Interference of Long-Distance Movement of Grapevine berry inner necrosis virus in Transgenic Plants Expressing a Defective Movement Protein of Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus.

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Մուտք / Գրանցվել
ABSTRACT Transgenic Nicotiana occidentalis plants expressing a movement protein (P50) and partially functional deletion mutants (DeltaA and DeltaC) of the Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (ACLSV) showed resistance to Grapevine berry inner necrosis virus (GINV). The resistance is highly effective and

The 50-kDa protein of Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus interferes with intracellular and intercellular targeting and tubule-inducing activity of the 39-kDa protein of Grapevine berry inner necrosis virus.

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Մուտք / Գրանցվել
To understand why transgenic Nicotiana occidentalis plants expressing a functional movement protein (MP) of Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (ACLSV) show specific resistance to Grapevine berry inner necrosis virus (GINV), the MPs of ACLSV (50KP) and GINV (39KP) were fused to green, yellow, or cyan

Reduction of Uroporphyrinogen Decarboxylase by Antisense RNA Expression Affects Activities of Other Enzymes Involved in Tetrapyrrole Biosynthesis and Leads to Light-Dependent Necrosis.

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Մուտք / Գրանցվել
We introduced a full-length cDNA sequence encoding tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) uroporphyrinogen III decarboxylase (UROD; EC in reverse orientation under the control of a cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter derivative into the tobacco genome to study the effects of deregulated UROD

A Turnip Mosaic Virus Determinant of Systemic Necrosis in Nicotiana benthamiana and a Novel Resistance-Breaking Determinant in Chinese Cabbage Identified from Chimeric Infectious Clones.

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Մուտք / Գրանցվել
Infectious clones of Korean turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) isolates KIH1 and HJY1 share 88.1% genomic nucleotides and 96.4% polyprotein amino acid identity, and they induce systemic necrosis or mild mosaic, respectively, in Nicotiana benthamiana. Chimeric constructs between these isolates

The coat protein of Alternanthera mosaic virus is the elicitor of a temperature-sensitive systemic necrosis in Nicotiana benthamiana, and interacts with a host boron transporter protein.

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Մուտք / Գրանցվել
Different isolates of Alternanthera mosaic virus (AltMV; Potexvirus), including four infectious clones derived from AltMV-SP, induce distinct systemic symptoms in Nicotiana benthamiana. Virus accumulation was enhanced at 15 °C compared to 25 °C; severe clone AltMV 3-7 induced systemic necrosis (SN)
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