[Hyaluronidase in cytostatic therapy of ENT tumors].
Kata kunci
In 27 patients with squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck region hyaluronidase was added to cytostatic chemotherapy, in part of them from the beginning and in part after development of chemoresistance. We administered either ampoules containing 750 i. u. of Permease in a dosage between 7,500 i. u. and 22,500 i. u., or alternatively a preparation of hyaluronidase containing 200,000 i. u. Hyaluronidase was well tolerated; there were reversible allergic reactions in only 2 patients. We obtained CR 14/27, PR 5/27, NC 3/27. After giving hyaluronidase to chemoresistant patients CR 8/16, PR 3/16 and NC 3/16 were achieved. The course of the disease in chemoresistant cases make it probable that hyaluronidase can improve the prognosis in these patients. With regard to the kind of activity it seems noteworthy that the amount of mucopolysaccharides is increased in many malignancies; furthermore, the transport of cytostatic agents to the tumour cells can be improved.