Multiple endocrine neoplasia and polyglandular autoimmune syndrome: a new association.
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To report a new association between polyglandular autoimmune syndrome and multiple endocrine neoplasia.
We present a detailed case report and discuss the various types of polyglandular failure and multiple endocrine neoplasia.
A 56-year-old woman with a past history of primary hypothyroidism and impaired glucose tolerance was admitted to the hospital for removal of renal staghorn calculi. In addition to the presence of mucocutaneous candidiasis, vitiligo, and macroglossia, the patient was found to have truncal obesity, a "buffalo hump," and supraclavicular fat pads. Subsequent workup confirmed the presence of Cushing's disease and primary hyperparathyroidism.
A hitherto unreported association between polyglandular autoimmune syndrome type II and multiple endocrine neoplasia type I is documented in our current patient.