[Obesity as an obstetric risk factor].
Kata kunci
Obesity-related metabolic and functional disorders may disturb adaptation process taking place in pregnant women body. Insufficient adaptation may lead to development of several medical complications during pregnancy, labor, delivery, and puerperium. Maternal obesity is associated with increased frequencies of hypertension, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes mellitus, fetal macrosomia, congenital malformations, labor abnormalities (including prolonged second stage of labor, meconium-stained amniotic fluid, FHR abnormalities and shoulder dystocia), postdatism, and cesarean delivery. Operative complications among obese women undergoing cesarean delivery include increased blood loss, prolonged operative time, and increased rates of postoperative infection, thrombophlebitis. Treatment of these complications increases hospital stays and costs. Obese women should be carefully examined by dietetician before conception and cared for dietetically and medically during gestation.