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The quantitative intraracial burden of cancer incidence, survival and mortality within black populations in the United States is virtually unknown.
We computed cancer mortality rates of US- and Caribbean-born residents of Florida, specifically focusing on black populations (United
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Although testicular tumors are less common in blacks than in whites, they do occur and must be considered in making a differential diagnosis of scrotal masses. At The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute at Houston, 19 black men were treated for testicular tumor between
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A presence of black pigmentation involving the endobronchial tree is not uncommon. It was first described in the literature in association with occupational exposure in the early 1940s. However, in 2003, Packham and Yeow formally used the term black bronchoscopy to describe endobronchial metastasis
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To review the current knowledge about breast cancer in black women--including epidemiology, risk factors, screening practices, pathology, clinical manifestations, treatment, and outcome--with emphasis on issues that might explain why the survival rate in this population of women is lower
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Skin cancer is rare in black patients. The clinical course and pathology of 58 cases are presented and reviewed. These include 38 squamous cell carcinomas, 13 malignant melanomas, and 7 basal cell carcinomas. Sixty-one percent of the squamous cell carcinomas developed in unexposed areas, with
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Pigmented nevi, still called melanocytic nevi or more improperly "naevus naevocellulaires" are benign melanocytic tumors characterized by a proliferation of melanocytes near the dermoepidermal junction. They are grouped in clusters or in theca cells that differentiate them from normal
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Perceived discrimination may contribute to somatic disease. The association between perceived discrimination and breast cancer incidence was assessed in the Black Women's Health Study. In 1997, participants completed questions on perceived discrimination in two domains: "everyday" discrimination
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The black population remains underrepresented in clinical trials despite reports suggesting greater incidence and deaths from locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). We determined outcomes for black and non-black patients in a well-annotated cohort treated with either definitive
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Our experience at University Hospitals of Cleveland (UHOC), Cuyahoga County, Ohio, led us to suspect an increased incidence of head and neck cancer in blacks. We reviewed our tumor registry records from 1975 to 1989 analyzing for age, sex, race, and head and neck site of disease. Head and neck
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