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Background and objectives: Paocai (pickled cabbage), which is fermented by lactic acid bacteria, is a traditional Chinese food. The microorganisms of Paocai were isolated and identified, and the constipation inhibition effect of one of the isolated Lactobacillus was investigated. Materials and
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Constipation is a common diagnosis that requires proper evaluation and appropriate treatment. The approach to a patient with chronic constipation includes patient education, behavior modification, dietary changes, and laxative therapy. It is important to note that laxative therapy is not the only
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Domestic animals play a very important role in the human civilization. Besides human being, plants are used as medicines for many domestic animals. The therapeutic practices are very common among the tribes of Chamla, rich in ethnoveterinary medicinal plants. Due to poor availability of modern
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This case report presents an incidental finding of a rectal GIST (gastrointestinal stromal tumor) presenting as a submucosal calculus, not previously reported. A 53-year-old man without a significant medical history presented with abdominal pain in the left lower quadrant, and with constipation.
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Food intake plays a key role in triggering or perpetuating symptoms in patients with IBS. Evaluation of the impact of diet in the individual patient requires a precise dietary history and a 7-day prospective dietary analysis, which should include the quality and quantity of food consumed,
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