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Design and evaluation of the controlled clinical trial are thoroughly discussed by giving an example for testing a sodium pentosan polysulphate/nicotinic acid combination (Compuron). 60 patients with cerebral vascular disorders were randomly allocated to the two treatments and received medication
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Given that treatment with a single drug is frequently unsuccessful in patients with combined hyperlipidaemia, there is a rationale for the study of regimens using drugs that have complementary therapeutic profiles. We therefore set out to compare the efficacy of a combined pravastatin and
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Migraine and tension-type headaches impose a tremendous economic drain upon the healthcare system. Intravenous and oral niacin has been employed in the treatment of acute and chronic migraine and tension-type headaches, but its use has not become part of contemporary medicine, nor have
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Dyslipidaemia may be treated with a number of safe and effective pharmacological agents that target specific lipid disorders through a variety of mechanisms. The bile-acid sequestrants--cholestyramine and colestipol--primarily decrease LDL cholesterol by binding bile acids, thereby decreasing
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Pellagra is a systemic disturbance caused by a cellular deficiency of niacin, resulting from inadequate dietary nicotinic acid and/or its precursors, the essential amino-acid tryptophan. In Europe and North America cases of pellagra are rarely encountered, but in some developing countries this
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Guidelines preferentially recommend noncalcium phosphate binders in adults with chronic kidney disease (CKD). We compare and rank phosphate-binder strategies for CKD.
Network meta-analysis.
Adults with CKD.
Randomized trials with allocation to phosphate
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