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Lipase hydrolyzes fat to free fatty acid and monoacylglycerol, which can be absorbed. Lipase inhibitors reduce the absorption of fat by intestinal cells. In this paper, we explored a novel treatment for obesity. Lipase was strongly inhibited by furoic acid and oxalic acid (IC50 of 2.12 ± 0.04 and
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The authors present their experience at the Centre for the surgical treatment of morbid obesity at Milano University where since 1974, 603 obese patients underwent surgery: 312 jejuno-ileal bypass (JIB), 70 bilio-intestinal bypass (BIB), 102 horizontal gastroplasties (HGP), 44 silastic ring vertical
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In order to investigate the effect on urinary oxalic acid excretion, ten patients with jejunoileostomy for morbid obesity were treated with oral calcium. We found a statistically significant decrease. The investigation suggests that the oral administration of calcium alone is not sufficient, in a
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Hypoferremia is more prevalent in obese than nonobese adults, but the reason for this phenomenon is unknown. To elucidate the role dietary factors play in obesity-related hypoferremia, the intake of heme and nonheme iron and the intake of other dietary factors known to affect iron absorption were
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Sleep is an essential biological process that is thought to have a critical role in metabolic regulation. In humans, reduced sleep duration has been associated with risk for metabolic disorders, including weight gain, diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease. However, our understanding of the
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Aim of our study was the evaluation of Italian experience with bilio-intestinal bypass in the surgical treatment of morbid obesity.
1030 patients; mean age 36.1 years; preoperative mean weight Kg 136.7; mean preoperative BMI 48.9 kg/m2; mean follow-up 68 years (1-28). 838 patients
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A 32-year-old women was treated for overweight by gastrointestinal bypass surgery. Following surgery, repeated calcium oxalate nephrolithiasis was observed and secondary hyperoxaluria was diagnosed. Treatment with low oxalate and fat diet resulted in normal urinary oxalic acid excretion; no further
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Five patients with jejunoileal shunt for morbid obesity in whom postshunt hyperoxaluria and recurrent urinary tract calculi developed are presented. All the stones were composed of calcium oxalate. The twenty-four hour urinary oxalic acid levels were also elevated in twenty of twenty-six patients
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Cholelithiasis and kidney stones are frequent pathologies in developed countries. Gallstones can be pigmentary, cholesterol (75%) or mixed. Age, female sex, obesity, rapid weight loss, consumption of refined sugars, saturated fat, iron deficiency, vitamin D and low intake of fiber and vitamin C are
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Renal urolithiasis is a pathological condition common to a multitude of genetic, physiological and nutritional disorders, ranging from general hyperoxaluria to obesity. The concept of quickly dissolving renal uroliths via chemolysis, especially calcium-oxalate kidney stones, has long been a clinical
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Background: More than half patients underwent Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) can experience type 2 diabetes (T2D) remission, but the systemic and gastrointestinal metabolic mechanisms of this improvement are still elusive.
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Organic acids from plant food have been shown to play an important role in the prevention of chronic diseases (osteoporosis, obesity), inherent to western diets, but little is known about their bioavailability in the small intestine, information that needs to be determined in order to
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