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Rapunzel Syndrome is a rare trichobezoar, involving strands of swallowed hair extending as a tail through the duodenum, beyond the stomach. Trichobezoar usually occur in patients with history of trichotillomania, characterized by compulsive behavioral disorder of pulling own hairs, combined with
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Bezoars are indigestible foreign material in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). A phytobezoar is a mass of plant material, while a trichobezoar consists of matted hair. This is found most commonly in the stomach in children who chew their long hair. When a gastric trichobezoar extends to the duodenum
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Trichobezoars are accumulations of hair casts in the stomach associated with trichophagia. The typical patient is an adolescent female who presents with alopecia and an upper abdominal mass which on moving can cause intermittent gastric outlet obstruction. Only a minority of patients have severe
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Trichotillomania is an intriguing psychosomatic entity in which there is an irresistible desire to pull out the hair from the scalp, eyelashes, eyebrows and other parts of the body. The process results in an instant release of tension, a sense of relief and security. However, non-scaring alopecia is
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