Postural Spirometry Changes in Ambulatory Myotonic Dystrophy Patients
Materials and Methods :
Adult ambulatory patients (18 years of age and older) with a clinical diagnosis of myotonic dystrophy type I were investigated prospectively as part of routine follow-up, from april 2008 to june 2010. Patients were clinically evaluated in the department of "Internal Medicine" and lung function was assessed in the department of "Pulmonary Function Testing", both from the University Hospital of Nancy. Pulmonary tests were ordered for clinical indications, not part of a study protocol. The supine evaluation was added of the conventional lung function testing. All individual were examined and categorized according to a standardized five-point muscular-impairment rating scale, in which a score of 1 indicates no muscular impairment, 2 minimal signs without distal weakness except for digit flexors, 3 distal weakness without proximal weakness except for elbow extensors, 4 moderate proximal weakness, and 5 severe weakness (MIRS).
Lung and respiratory muscle function:
All pulmonary function tests met or exceeds applicable standards of the European Respiratory Society / American Thoracic Society.
Spirometry was performed in the upright-seated position and in the supine position. Respiratory function data were compared with the predicted normal values obtained by the European Community for Steel and Coal and expressed as percentage of the normal value. The flow/volume curve and lung volumes were respectively assessed by an open-circuit spirometry and plethysmography.
Maximal Inspiratory Pressure (MIP) and Maximal Expiratory Pressure (MEP) were both measured in the seated position using a standard flanged mouthpiece.MIP was measured from Residual Volume (RV) and MEP was measured from Total Lung Capacity (TLC), both in a standard manner. The manoeuvres were repeated at least three times, or until two identical readings were obtained, and the best value was taken. Respiratory Muscle Strength (RMS) was defined as the mean of MIP and MEP expressed as a percent of the predicted values.
Arterial sampling and blood gas analysis :
Arterial blood gases were drawn at rest from the radial artery of the nondominant arm while the patient was comfortably seated for at least 10 minutes. A sterile, self-filling and disposable pre-heparinized system was used to take 1.5 ml of arterial blood.
Arterial oxygen partial pressure (PaO2) and arterial carbon dioxide partial pressure (PaCO2) were determined within 10 minutes after sampling. Room temperature and barometric pressure were recorded on a daily basis and were used to adjust calibrations and measurements. Quality control of the blood-gas equipment was performed twice a day, using standard solution.
Síðast staðfest: | 10/31/2010 |
Fyrst lagt fram: | 11/14/2010 |
Áætluð skráning lögð fram: | 11/14/2010 |
Fyrst sent: | 11/15/2010 |
Síðasta uppfærsla lögð fram: | 11/14/2010 |
Síðasta uppfærsla sett upp: | 11/15/2010 |
Raunverulegur upphafsdagur náms: | 03/31/2008 |
Áætlaður aðallokunardagur: | 05/31/2010 |
Áætlaður dagsetningu rannsóknar: | 05/31/2010 |
Ástand eða sjúkdómur
Íhlutun / meðferð
Other: Supine spirometry
Aldur hæfur til náms | 18 Years Til 18 Years |
Kyn sem eru hæf til náms | All |
Tekur við heilbrigðum sjálfboðaliðum | Já |
Viðmið | Inclusion Criteria: - clinical diagnosis of myotonic dystrophy type 1 - 18 years of age and older - must be able to perform reproducible ventilatory manoeuvres Exclusion Criteria: - required non-invasive ventilation - non reproducible spirometry results |
Aðal niðurstöður ráðstafanir
1. Evidence of lung function impairment [1 year on average (annual regular follow-up)]
Aðgerðir vegna aukaatriða
1. predictive factors of lung function impairment [1 year on average (annual regular follow-up)]