Senegalia laeta, the gay acacia or daga, is a legume found in the family Fabaceae. It was formerly included in the genus Acacia.
Senegalia laeta is a perennial shrub or small tree growing to a height of 4–10 m with a greyish-green bark looking blackish from a distance, with a pink slash. The leaves are twice-pinnate, i.e. the pinnate leaves are further divided pinnately, the leaflets are 1–4 cm long, with 2-5 pairs of pinnae and 2-5 pairs of leaflets per pinna; leaflets are oblong and asymmetrical, ...
Sláðu inn einkenni eða sjúkdóm og lestu um jurtir sem gætu hjálpað, sláðu jurt og sjáðu sjúkdóma og einkenni sem hún er notuð við.
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