Haitian Creole

adrenocortical hyperfunction/hitasótt

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Chronobiological disturbances with hyperthermia and hypercortisolism induced by chronic mild stress in rats.

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The chronic mild stress (CMS) model has been established as a realistic model of depressive disorder as it simulates anhedonia. In the present study, the consumption of sucrose solution was decreased in the rats exposed to CMS, which coincided with many published studies. Since depression is a

Fever of unexplained origin, biochemical Cushing's disease and cerebral dysrhythmia corrected by valproate sodium.

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A patient with cerebral dysrhythmia and fever of unexplained origin for 2 years is described. She had elevated and nonsuppressible levels of urinary 17-hydroxycorticosteroids but no clinical features of hypercortisolism. Treatment with valproate sodium corrected all the abnormalities. It is

Hypercortisolemia in acute stroke is related to the inflammatory response.

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Hypercortisolemia is thought to be a marker of the stress response following stroke. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence and prognostic significance of hypercortisolemia. The circadian variation of cortisol level and the relationship between serum cortisol levels and other

Multiple Opportunistic Infections Related to Hypercortisolemia due to Adrenocortical Carcinoma: A Case Report

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Cushing's syndrome is characterized by excessive cortisol and immuno-suppression. We experienced a case of Cushing's syndrome caused by adrenocortical carcinoma that was complicated by multiple opportunistic infections. A 37-year-old woman with adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) presented with decreased

Clinical experience with ketoconazole as a therapy for patients with Cushing's syndrome.

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Six consecutive patients with Cushing's disease were treated with the broad spectrum antifungal drug ketoconazole. Urinary cortisol levels rapidly fell to within the normal range in five of the six patients. Acute hypoadrenalism occurred in one patient, and nausea and pyrexia in three. Our

Effects of dietary cation-anion difference on blood cortisol and ACTH levels in reproducing ewes.

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Formulation of rations to induce a compensated metabolic acidosis in the post-partum cow has proved a useful strategy for prevention of milk fever. Such acidification improves the ability of the animal to maintain calcium homeostasis by promoting the absorption of calcium from the intestine and

Primary intracranial neuroendocrine tumor: two case reports.

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BACKGROUND Neuroendocrine tumor originates from the diffuse neuroendocrine system. Intracranial originating is lower to 0.74 %. METHODS We present two cases of primary intracranial neuroendocrine tumor A 39-year-old woman was admitted with headache, fever, polydipsia and polyuria. Biochemical and

Cecal perforation and adrenocortical adenoma in a dog.

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Cecal perforation was diagnosed in a dog with a history of acute vomiting. The dog also had an adrenocortical adenoma. Intestinal perforation can be a serious complication of cortico-steroid treatment in the dog, but has not been attributable to hyperadrenocorticism. Fever and an inflammatory CBC

Diverticular Perforation: A Fatal Complication to Forestall in Cushing Syndrome.

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UNASSIGNED Patients taking exogenous glucocorticoids are at risk for gastrointestinal (GI) complications, including peptic ulcer disease with perforation and gastric bleeding. However, little is known about the GI comorbidity in patients with endogenous hypercortisolemia. UNASSIGNED We describe six

Portal Vein Thrombosis in the Setting of Newly Diagnosed Cushing's Syndrome.

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The hallmark manifestations of Cushing's syndrome (CS) are well known, but hypercoagulability is perhaps least recognized. Patients with CS are at increased risk of both spontaneous and postoperative thromboembolism, with the significant majority of events occurring in the lower extremity and

Xanthogranulomatous adrenalitis masquerading as a functioning adrenocortical malignancy: a case report

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Introduction: Xanthogranulomatous adrenalitis (XA) is a rare chronic inflammatory disease of the adrenal glands and resembles adrenal neoplasm in clinical and radiologic characteristics. There is no report on XA presenting as a

Shell shock: Psychogenic gait and other movement disorders-A film review.

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BACKGROUND The psychological pressure on soldiers during World War I (WWI) and other military conflicts has resulted in many reported cases of psychogenic gait as well as other movement disorders. In this paper, psychogenic movement disorders captured in the WWI film footage "War Neuroses" is

Prompt differentiation of Addison's disease from anorexia nervosa during weight loss and vomiting.

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An 18-year-old white woman had nausea, vomiting, weight loss, and a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa. Copper-colored skin was noted on physical examination, and serum chemistry values were normal. Subsequent fever, disorientation, and confusion led to the discovery of Addison's disease, which responded

[Carcinoid-like ACTH-active thymus tumor with adrenal hyperplasia and the Itsenko-Cushing syndrome].

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Rare carcinoid-like ACTH-active tumour of the thymus in a woman of 40 is described. The tumour was of a solid-trabecular structure with rosette-like figures and consisted of spindle, polyhedral and roundish cells containing electron-dense granules of the neurosecretory type. Hormonal activity of the

Takayasu's arteritis.

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The cause of Takayasu's arteritis is still obscure. However, certain aspects of the disease have been greatly clarified over the past decade. The disease is worldwide in distribution, with no ethnic group being totally free from risk of the condition. The inflammatory and stenotic phases of the
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