Haitian Creole

amaurosis fugax/krabbamein

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Amaurosis fugax due to pituitary tumor.

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Amaurosis fugax in a younger person in whom premature atherosclerotic disease and cardiac emboli have been eliminated is usually benign. We describe a 25-year-old man with recurrent painless left monocular visual loss lasting from 5 to 45 minutes. Initial physical examination, carotid ultrasound,

Amaurosis fugax from metastatic prostate cancer to the Tuberculum sellae.

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Orbital metastasis of renal cell carcinoma masquerading as Amaurosis fugax.

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Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is the most common malignancy involving the kidney. Only rarely does it metastasize to the eye and orbit, sometimes mimicking other lesions. A 70-year-old woman was referred from neurology because of a right orbital lesion, six months after the start of a neurological

Amaurosis fugax secondary to presumed cavernous hemangioma of the orbit.

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A 27-year-old woman had a two-year history of proptosis of the right eye associated with recent onset of transient visual loss in that eye on down-gaze only. Ultrasonography and computerized tomography revealed a presumed intraconal cavernous hemangioma of the right orbit. Direct pressure on the

Retrobulbar hemodynamics in amaurosis fugax; investigation by color Doppler velocity.

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OBJECTIVE The aim of the study is to determine blood flow and resistance parameters (Resistance Index-RI, Pulsatility Index-PI) in the retrobulbar arteries of patients suffering from amaurosis fugax. METHODS Color Doppler velocity was used to measure blood flow velocity and vascular resistance in

[Gaze-evoked amaurosis fugax].

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Gaze-evoked amaurosis is a quite unique symptom. We present a 37-year-old patient with unilateral gaze-evoked amaurosis caused by an orbital tumor. Possible mechanisms include transient ischemia of the optic nerve and the retina or inhibition of the axonal impulses. While not common as a cause of

Alternating Amaurosis Fugax in Trousseau Syndrome: A Case Report.

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Amaurosis fugax (AmF) is defined as transient monocular visual loss secondary to retinal ischemia. In most patients presenting with AmF, the attack of visual loss occurs in the same eye. A 64-year-old woman experienced transient visual loss in her right eye. Three days after that, an attack happened

A fatal case of primary cardiac chondrosarcoma presenting with amaurosis fugax.

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A 64-year-old previously healthy woman consulted her general practitioner because of recurrent episodes of right-sided monocular transient visual loss (ie, amaurosis fugax). At first, these symptoms were followed over time, but as the attacks worsened, and were accompanied by dizziness and general

Amaurosis fugax and orbital anterio-venous malformation.

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Amaurosis Fugax has not been described in relation to orbital Arterio-venous Malformation, which are tumours of rare occurrence. One such case is being reported.
Early non-invasive diagnostic information would be useful in identifying patients at risk of progressive carotid atherosclerosis, despite an apparently harmless plaque on ultrasound imaging. In this study, we assessed the possible association of intracellular cytokines in peripheral blood with the

Rhino-orbital Mucormycosis Treated Successfully with Posaconazole without Exenteration.

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Mucormycosis is a rare and often fatal opportunistic angioinvasive infection seen mostly in immunocompromised patients, such as those with diabetes mellitus, cancer, or renal failure. Ophthalmic manifestations of orbital mucormycosis include ocular pain, periocular oedema, visual loss,

A symptomatic papillary fibroelastoma of the left ventricle removed with the aid of transesophageal echocardiography.

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A papillary fibroelastoma, causing amaurosis fugax and paresis of the right arm, was detected by echocardiography as a free floating mass in the left-ventricular outflow tract. Based on the exact localization of the tumor by intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography the initial indication for
Objective: To observe the long-term prognosis and related outcome predictors for hypertrophic obstructive cadiomyopathy (HOCM) patients underwent alcohol septal ablation (ASA). Methods: A total of 227 consecutive patients(age: (47.8±11.7) years) treated by ASA from September 2005 to December 2013 in

[Intracranial Pressure Evaluation by Ophthalmologist].

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The value of ICT is important in diagnosis of the diseases of the eye and orbit Methods for direct measurement of intracranial pressure (ICT) are exact, but they are invasive and there is some risk of infection and damage of the tissue. Currently there are 2 valid indirect methods of mesurement of

The risk of stroke with occlusion of the internal carotid artery.

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Reports of all cervicocephalic arteriograms (n = 1836) performed at one institution during a 10-year period were reviewed and the patients were classified into three groups according to the indication for arteriography. Group I included all patients with symptoms or findings compatible with
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