Haitian Creole


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The prevalence of depression and suicide is increased in patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE); however, the underlying mechanism remains unknown. Anhedonia, a core symptom of depression that is predictive of suicide, is common in patients with MTLE. Glutamine synthetase, an astrocytic

Anxiety and depressive symptoms in children presenting with a first seizure.

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We investigated whether children presenting with a first seizure experienced anxiety and depressive signs. Children (aged 7-17 years) with a first unprovoked afebrile seizure participated. These patients (mean age, 12 +/- 2.7 years S.D.; 14 female/8 male) completed the Revised Child Manifest Anxiety

Clinical Predictors of Response to Magnetic Seizure Therapy in Depression: A Preliminary Report.

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OBJECTIVE Magnetic seizure therapy (MST) is a novel convulsive brain stimulation method in clinical testing, which is used as an alternative for electroconvulsive therapy in patients with treatment-resistant depression (TRD). Preliminary studies have suggested that MST leads to fewer cognitive

Blockade of astrocytic glutamate uptake in the prefrontal cortex induces anhedonia.

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Major depression is associated with both dysregulated glutamatergic neurotransmission and fewer astrocytes in limbic areas including the prefrontal cortex (PFC). These deficits may be functionally related. Notably, astrocytes regulate glutamate levels by removing glutamate from the synapse via the
Many experimental approaches require housing rodents in individual cages, including in epilepsy research. However, rats and mice are social animals; and individual housing constitutes a stressful situation. The goal of the present study was to determine the effects of individual housing as compared

Experimental epilepsy affects Notch1 signalling and the stem cell pool in the dentate gyrus.

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Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is the most frequent form of epilepsy in adults. In addition to recurrent focal seizures, patients suffer from memory loss and depression. The factors contributing to these symptoms are unknown. In recent years, adult hippocampal neurogenesis has been implicated in

Neuropsychiatric Lyme Borreliosis: An Overview with a Focus on a Specialty Psychiatrist's Clinical Practice.

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There is increasing evidence and recognition that Lyme borreliosis (LB) causes mental symptoms. This article draws from databases, search engines and clinical experience to review current information on LB. LB causes immune and metabolic effects that result in a gradually developing spectrum of

An alcohol withdrawal test battery measuring multiple behavioral symptoms in mice.

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Despite acceptance that risk for alcohol-use disorder (AUD) has a large genetic component, the identification of genes underlying various components of risk for AUD has been hampered in humans, in part by the heterogeneity of expression of the phenotype. One aspect of AUD is physical dependence.
Inflammatory signal molecules are suggested to be involved in the mechanism underlying comorbid depression in epilepsy. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that the novel antidepressant agomelatine, a potent melatonin MT1 and MT2 receptor agonist and serotonin 5HT2C receptor antagonist,

Comorbidity between temporal lobe epilepsy and depression: a [18F]MPPF PET study.

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Brain and brainstem changes of serotoninergic 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HT)(1A) receptor density have been reported in patients with major depressive disorder as well as in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), using PET and the selective antagonist radiotracers [(11)C]WAY-100635 or

[Dopamine-dependent character of depressive-like behavior in WAG/Rij rats with genetic absence epilepsy].

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Placebo-treated WAG/Rij rats (as compared to normal Wistar rats without seizure pathology) exhibited depressive-like behavior similar to that of intact rats of the same strain: decreased exploratory activity in the open field test, increased immobility in the forced swimming test, decreased sucrose

[Depression-like changes in behavior and c-fos gene expression in dopaminergic brain structures in WAG/Rij rats].

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In WAG/Rij rats with genetic absence epilepsy, inborn changes in behavior were observed such as decreased level of locomotion, exploratory activity, and grooming reactions in the open-field test, increased immobility in the forced-swimming test, and decreased sucrose consumption (anhedonia) as

Asystole during electroconvulsive therapy: a case report.

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OBJECTIVE The objective of the report is to describe a case of asystole lasting for 18 s, which developed after a subconvulsive stimulus during electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) in a patient without pre-existing cardiovascular abnormality. A brief review of the relevant literature is also

Pipamperone augmentation of clozapine and sodium valproate in refractory schizophrenia: a case report.

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Refractory schizophrenia poses many therapeutic dilemmas. Clozapine is currently considered as the most effective medication for the treatment of refractory schizophrenia. Unfortunately, it carries serious and often life-threatening adverse effects such as agranulocitosis, hypersalivation,

Impact of epilepsy in adolescence: a UK controlled study.

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OBJECTIVE The goals of the work described here were to investigate the psychological and social impact of epilepsy on adolescents and to identify to what degree clinical and demographic variables and knowledge of epilepsy could influence psychosocial functioning. METHODS Seventy adolescents with
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