Haitian Creole

aortic coarctation/bjúgur

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Congenital heart disease is a frequent feature of Turner syndrome. Although the most frequent cardiac lesion is coarctation of the aorta, a spectrum of cardiac defects occurs which is limited almost exclusively to defects associated with decreased blood flow through the left heart. We report the

A successful stenting of the coarctation of aorta in a patient presented with acute pulmonary edema.

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A 64-year-old female patient presented with heart failure with acute pulmonary edema due to severe aortic coarctation. After endotracheal intubation, aortogram was performed and revealed a severe luminal narrowing in the distal thoracic aorta with a peak systolic pressure gradient of 100 mm Hg
Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) activity is increased during hypertension and cerebral ischemia. NOS inactivation reduces stroke-induced cerebral injuries, but little is known about its role in blood-brain barrier (BBB) disruption and cerebral edema formation during stroke in acute hypertension. Here,
Coarctation of the aorta, virtually always a congenital malformation, is characterized by localized aortic narrowing, usually in the arch opposite to the ductus arteriosus and just distal to the left subclavian artery. The condition occasionally goes undiagnosed until adulthood. We report a case of

Severe coarctation of the aorta with pulmonary edema. An unusual presentation of a traumatic aortic aneurysm.

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A patient with an unrecognized rupture of the ascending aorta developed severe pulmonary edema three weeks following the initial injury. This is a distinctly unusual manifestation of this injury. Emergency resection of the traumatic aneurysm was required to reverse the rapidly deteriorating clinical

Fetal nuchal cystic hygroma associated with aortic coarctation and trisomy 21: a case report.

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We report a case of fetal nuchal cystic hygroma associated with aortic coarctation and trisomy 21. A stillborn baby, delivered at 15 weeks and 5 days of gestation, had a huge nuchal cystic hygroma. Autopsy revealed aortic coarctation of the periductal type with patent ductus arteriosus, endocardial

Foetal right atrial aneurysm and aortic coarctation with left ventricular dysfunction.

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Aneurysms of the right atrium are rare in the paediatric population. We report a case of a foetal diagnosis of right atrial aneurysm with associated atrial tachycardia in foetal and postnatal life. Unique to our case are the findings of isolated pericardial effusion without hydrops fetalis and the

Balloon angioplasty of native aortic coarctation in infants 3 months of age and younger.

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The use of balloon dilation to treat native aortic coarctation is controversial, particularly in infants. Between January 1991 and September 1996, 12 patients < or = 3 months of age with native coarctation of the aorta (CoA) underwent balloon angioplasty (BA). All 12 lesions were dilated

Antenatal diagnosis of postductal coarctation of the aorta. A case report.

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Fetal echocardiography can be used to detect congenital heart disease prenatally with a high degree of accuracy, and complex heart malformations have also been clearly described in the fetus. However, it is difficult to diagnose correctly or to exclude definitely aortic coarctation by fetal

Multimodal neuromonitoring in a patient with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage associated with aortic coarctation.

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BACKGROUND Aortic coarctation (AC) rarely remains undiagnosed until adulthood. Intracranial aneurysms and spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) are more frequent in patients with AC than in the general population. METHODS The purpose of this report is to describe the management of a poor grade

Conjunctival edema and distichiasis in association with congenital lymphedema of the lower legs.

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An 8-year-old boy with mild congenital lymphedema of both legs was noticed to have a conjunctival lesion of the right eye since birth. Topical corticosteroid eyedrops for slight irritation did not alter the appearance of the lesion. On ocular examination, diffuse conjunctival edema in the

Spontaneous resolution of fetal cystic hygroma and hydrops in Turner syndrome.

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On a routine ultrasound examination, a cystic hygroma and hydrops were noted at 21 weeks' gestation in a fetus with a 45,X karyotype. Serial studies demonstrated a marked reduction in the size of the cystic hygroma and complete resolution of ascites. At birth, the term infant had features

Sibs with the fetal akinesia sequence, fetal edema, and malformations: a new syndrome?

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Pena and Shokeir [J Pediatr 85:373-375. 1974] first described a syndrome characterized by multiple ankyloses, camptodactyly, facial anomalies, and pulmonary hypoplasia, which was later termed Pena-Shokeir I syndrome. Recent evidence suggests that a more accurate designation for this condition is the

Supersized Atheroma Causing Acquired Coarctation of Aorta Leading to Heart Failure.

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Calcified atheromatous aortic lesion causing significant narrowing of the aorta is an uncommon clinical entity. This calcified atheroma leads to obstruction of the lumen of the aorta simulating acquired coarctation of aorta causing impaired perfusion of lower limbs, visceral ischemia, and

Prenatal diagnosis of left ventricular diverticulum and coarctation of the aorta.

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Congenital left ventricular diverticulum (LVD) is a rare abnormality of the myocardium which has been detected previously in the fetus. Lesions have been reported from as early as 12 weeks' gestation but are more commonly detected in the mid-second trimester. Fetal presentation of LVD ranges from an
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