Haitian Creole


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Sleepiness, Exertion Fatigue, Arousal, and Vigilant Attention in Persons With Chronic Aphasia.

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Purpose Individuals in the acute and chronic stages of stroke recovery often report more daytime sleepiness (Sterr, Herron, Dijk, & Ellis, 2008) and fatigue that qualitatively differs from "normal" feelings of fatigue they experienced prestroke (De Doncker, Dantzer, Ormstad, &

Using computers to enable self-management of aphasia therapy exercises for word finding: the patient and carer perspective.

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BACKGROUND Speech and language therapy (SLT) for aphasia can be difficult to access in the later stages of stroke recovery, despite evidence of continued improvement with sufficient therapeutic intensity. Computerized aphasia therapy has been reported to be useful for independent language practice,
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), a non-invasive brain stimulation approach, might be a promising technique in the management of aphasia after cerebrovascular accidents (CVA). This protocol of systematic review (SR) aims to investigate the effectiveness and safety of

A pilot observational study of the association between fatigue after stroke and C-reactive protein.

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BACKGROUND The aetiology of fatigue after stroke is unknown. We explored the relationship between fatigue and C-reactive protein (CRP) as a marker of inflammation. METHODS This cross-sectional study recruited inpatients with a stroke (onset within the previous three months) over a five-week period.

The Nottingham Fatigue After Stroke (NotFAST) study: results from follow-up six months after stroke.

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Background Post-stroke fatigue is common and disabling. Objectives The aim of NotFAST was to examine factors associated with fatigue in stroke survivors without depression, six months after stroke. Methods Participants were recruited from four UK stroke units. Those with high levels of depressive

Developments in treating the nonmotor symptoms of stroke.

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Introduction: Stroke is among the most common causes of disability worldwide. Nonmotor symptoms of stroke are common and disabling. Many are treatable, and intervention improves the quality of life for stroke survivors.Areas covered: Here the author summarizes evidence-based treatment

Neurologic Acyclovir Toxicity in the Absence of Kidney Injury.

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Herpes zoster (zoster) also commonly known as "shingles," occurs following re-activation of the varicella zoster virus. It contributes a large cost burden to the U.S. health care system, with an estimated 1 million cases costing $1 billion annually. The current gold standard

Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy: a rare genetic cause of sensorineural hearing loss.

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A 44-year-old man with a documented 12-year history of progressive sensorineural hearing loss developed a generalized tonic-clonic seizure followed by a visual field deficit and apraxia. Six months later he developed a peripheral neuropathy and muscle fatigue followed by a slowly progressive aphasia

[Depression, anxiety and other emotional symptoms after cerebral stroke].

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BACKGROUND Emotional symptoms are probably among the most ignored impairments in stroke patients. Of these, depression is best described, and appears in 20-40% of the stroke patients. Other emotional symptoms are anxiety (20-30%), emotional instability (10-25%), crisis reaction (20%) and reduced

Stroke and Universal Design.

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Universal Design (UD) is usually stated to be "for all ages and abilities". Given that stroke is a major source of disability, it is important that UD recommendations take stroke-specific problems into account. Within the framework of EU project STARR, we have investigated user requirements of

Lactobacillus paracasei endocarditis of bioprosthetic aortic valve presenting with recurrent embolic strokes

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Introduction: Lactobacillus prosthetic valve endocarditis is a rare infection caused by Lactobacillus bacteria. This bacterium is found in the normal flora of the human mouth, gastrointestinal tract and female genital tract.

'The Adventure': Charles-Ferdinand Ramuz's extraordinary stroke diary.

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The famous Swiss writer Charles-Ferdinand Ramuz suffered a stroke at 65 years, which he called 'the adventure' or 'the accident'. He developed language disturbances suggesting crossed aphasia in a right hander with left hemiparesis. This uncommon pattern allowed him to continue to write his diary

'The adventure': Charles-Ferdinand Ramuz's extraordinary stroke diary.

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The famous Swiss writer Charles-Ferdinand Ramuz suffered a stroke at 65 years, which he called 'the adventure' or 'the accident'. He developed language disturbances suggesting crossed aphasia in a right hander with left hemiparesis. This uncommon pattern allowed him to continue to write his diary

[DGRW-update: neurology--from empirical strategies towards evidence based interventions].

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Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), traumatic brain injuries (TBI) and neuropathies are the most important diseases in neurological rehabilitation financed by the German Pension Insurance. The primary goal is vocational (re)integration. Driven by multiple findings of neuroscience research the
A 69-year-old man was admitted to our hospital with complaints of loss of appetite, fatigue and dysphasia. Upper gastroscopy revealed advanced gastric cancer. Abdominal CT suggested liver metastases. At first we thought the liver metastases has been completely resected, but we found multiple liver
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