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Tardive seizure with postictal aphasia: a case report.

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Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a highly effective treatment for certain psychiatric disorders with relatively few serious adverse effects or complications. Tardive seizures are one of these rare but potentially fatal complications. Recognizing and treating tardive seizures is essential to

[Delayed symptoms of hypoxic brain damage after temporary improvement].

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A shipyard worker was doing welding work inside a pipe with argon as cover gas. After taking a break he fainted while controlling the weld, also inside the pipe. He was rescued after 15-20 minutes and regained consciousness after a few hours. Two days later he was discharged from hospital in

On the nature and evolution of the neural bases of human language.

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The traditional theory equating the brain bases of language with Broca's and Wernicke's neocortical areas is wrong. Neural circuits linking activity in anatomically segregated populations of neurons in subcortical structures and the neocortex throughout the human brain regulate complex behaviors

Long term effects of high altitude on brain function.

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Absence of oxygen to the brain for even a very few minutes results in loss of consciousness and can cause permanent injury. Can the wanderer to the limits of earth-bound hypoxia suffer similar harm from more prolonged exposure to milder hypoxia that does not cause loss of consciousness? I shall

Progressive obtundation in a young woman with bilateral corpus striatum infarction: a case report.

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BACKGROUND Bilateral ischemic infarction involving the corpus striatum is a rare event which usually results from global cerebral hypoxia, intoxications, and drug abuse. METHODS We report a 28 year old Caucasian woman who presented with progressive obtundation and later development of severe

The cost to the central nervous system of climbing to extremely high altitude.

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To assess the possibility that climbing to extremely high altitude may result in hypoxic injury to the brain, we performed neuropsychological and physiologic testing on 35 mountaineers before and 1 to 30 days after ascent to altitudes between 5488 and 8848 m, and on 6 subjects before and after

[Central type of sleep apnea syndrome caused by unilateral lateral medullary infarction].

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We reported here a 64-year-old man with a central apnea resulted from unilateral medullary infarction. He was admitted because of cerebellar ataxia, dysarthria and dysphasia of abrupt onset. After the injection of diazepam for alcohol forbidden syndrome, he induced complete apnea and required the

Relationship between cerebral hypoxic tissue volume and prognosis after stroke.

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OBJECTIVE Between 50 and 70% of stroke survivors suffer from severe disabilities such as paralysis and aphasia. Poor stroke outcome is a reflection of our incomplete understanding of the underlying mechanisms, and hence the capacity to implement appropriate treatment(s). We evaluated hypoxic tissue

Perfusion and pH MRI in familial hemiplegic migraine with prolonged aura.

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BACKGROUND To investigate tissue flow disturbance and hypoxia during migraine aura, we studied a case of familial hemiplegic migraine (FHM) using novel magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques. METHODS A 44-year-old male was admitted with suspected stroke because of confusion and aphasia. Initial

Vascular dementia: a construct in evolution.

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Since the late 1800s, when Alzheimer and Binswanger proposed the concept of "arteriosclerotic brain degeneration," there has been an evolution in thinking regarding cerebrovascular disease (CVD) as a basis for dementia. While later work recognized the importance of specific infarct characteristics
On extensive clinical monitoring of nocturnal oxygen saturation (Minolta Pulsox 7) we observed three groups with an increased risk of nocturnal hypoxemia. The hypoxemia was classified in terms of severity, frequency and duration into six groups of findings. The degree of oxygen desaturation was

[Multiple cerebral embolism caused by a patent foramen ovale and a uterine myoma].

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Recently, patent foramen ovale(PFO) has been highlighted as an important risk factor of cerebral infarctions in young adults. We report a patient of multiple cerebral embolism associated with PFO and deep venous thrombosis caused by a uterine myoma. A 40-year-old woman suddenly suffered from right

[Recurrent brain abscess associated with congenital pulmonary arteriovenous fistula: a case report].

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We report a rare case of recurrent brain abscess associated with congenital pulmonary arteriovenous fistula. A 52-year-old man was admitted to our hospital in October, 1999 because of a sudden stroke-like onset of right hemiparesis, right hemiparesthesia, dysarthria and sensory aphasia. He had a

Hemiconvulsion-Hemiplegia-Epilepsy Syndrome in a Girl Presented with Complex Partial Seizures.

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The mechanisms underlying the Hemiconvulsion-Hemiplegia-Epilepsy syndrome remains unclear. The current proposed pathogenic mechanism is a neuronal injury induced by venous thrombosis and/or hypoxia. Children develop hemispheric brain atrophy with contralateral hemiplegia, epilepsy, and a variable

Migrainous Infarction in a Patient With Sporadic Hemiplegic Migraine and Cystic Fibrosis: A 99mTc-HMPAO Brain SPECT Study.

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Genetic mutations of sporadic hemiplegic migraine (SHM) are mostly unknown. SHM pathophysiology relies on cortical spreading depression (CSD), which might be responsible for ischemic brain infarction. Cystic fibrosis (CF) is caused by a monogenic mutation of the chlorine transmembrane conductance
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