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Behavioral risk factors of breast cancer in Bangui of Central African Republic: A retrospective case-control study.

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Breast cancer is recognized as a major public health problem in developing countries; however, there is very little evidence of behavioral factors associated with breast cancer risk. This study was conducted to identify lifestyles as risk factors for breast cancer among Central African women. A

Enhancement of Purified Human Colon Cancer-Specific Parasporal Toxin from Bacillus thuringiensis-LDC-501.

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Parasporal inclusion protein of Bacillus thuringiensis-LDC-501 (Bt-LDC-501) exhibits selective cytocidal action towards human colon cancer cells. The yield of this parasporal protein was minimum in the normal culture. In order to increase the yield of protein from Bt-LDC-501 various agro-based

Some characteristics of Mozambican Shangaans with primary hepatocellular cancer.

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Certain characteristics of 328 Mozambican male Shangaans with primary hepatocellular cancer (PHC) have been compared with those of 163 Shangaan men with hepatomegaly from causes other than PHC and with those of 122 Black Southern African men with the same tumour but who belonged to tribes other than

Malnutrition, liver damage, and cancer.

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There is no clear indication that malnutrition, per se, is a principal cause of cancer in man, but the prevalence of liver cancer in areas where malnutrition exists supports this hypothesis. Liver damage and liver cancer have been induced in laboratory rats by diets consisting of peanut meal and

The induction of neoplastic lesions by aflatoxin-B1 in the Egyptian toad (Bufo regularis).

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The carcinogenic activity of aflatoxin-B1, the metabolic product of the mold Aspergillus flavus (a commonly occurring contaminant of groundnuts and other foodstuffs), was tested using the Egyptian toad (Bufo regularis). Injecting the toads with aflatoxin-B1 at a dose level of 0.01 mg/50 g body wt in

Circumstances associated with the contamination of food by aflatoxin in a high primary liver cancer area.

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The variable incidence of primary liver cancer has been shown to be related to the average daily intake of aflatoxin in various parts of the world. This study was made to detect and report strategic points of contamination of foodstuffs in the region with the highest known incidence of liver cancer.

Plant Protease Inhibitors in Therapeutics-Focus on Cancer Therapy.

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Plants are known to have many secondary metabolites and phytochemical compounds which are highly explored at biochemical and molecular genetics level and exploited enormously in the human health care sector. However, there are other less explored small molecular weight proteins, which inhibit

APIO-EE-9 is a novel Aurora A and B antagonist that suppresses esophageal cancer growth in a PDX mouse model.

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Esophageal cancer (EC) is one of the most aggressive malignancies of the upper aerodigestive tract. Over the past three decades, with advances in surgical techniques and treatment, the prognosis of esophageal cancer has only slowly improved. Thus identifying novel molecular targets and developing

Fatty Acids in Some Cooking Oils as Agents of Hormonal Manipulation in a Rat Model of Benign Prostate Cancer.

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Anti-androgenic substances, mainly prostate 5α-reductase inhibitors, used in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) have been associated with side effects in man and animals. To reduce these side effects as well as suppress BPH development, the management of the condition has come to

Hepatic tumours in ducks fed a low level of toxic groundnut meal.

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L-asparaginase (LA), an enzyme with anticancer activities, produced by marine-derived Aspergillus niger was subjected to purification and characterization. The purified enzyme was observed to have molecular weight ∼90KDa. The enzyme retained activity over a wide range of pH, i.e. pH 4-10. The enzyme

Inhibition of phorbol ester-induced COX-2 expression by some edible African plants.

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Cancer bush (CB, Sutherlandia frutescens), Devil's claw (DEV, Harpagophytum procumbens), Rooibos tea (RT, Aspalathus linearis), and Bambara groundnut (BB, Vignea subterranean) have been used to treat some malignancies and inflammatory disorders in Africa. However, biochemical basis for

Aflatoxin load of common food in savanna and forest regions of Nigeria.

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Aflatoxin, one of the most widespread of the known carcinogens, is present at a high level in most common foods stored poorly for long periods in Nigeria. It may work synergistically with other carcinogens to produce the high incidence of primary liver cancer seen in young men under the age of 40.
OBJECTIVE High incidence rates of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in Guangxi, China, are primarily due to heavy aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) exposure via corn and groundnut consumption. This study was designed to examine the polymorphisms associated of three carcinogen-metabolizing genes (namely: GSTM1,
BACKGROUND Aflatoxins are poisonous and cancer-related chemical compounds commonly found in crops and plants. Aflatoxin B1 is the most toxic compound among aflatoxins and has been classified as group 1 carcinogenic to humans, especially in liver cancer. Herein, an ambient mass spectrometric method
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