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Dengue fever mimicking acute appendicitis.

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We report 12 patients [5 males, mean age 28 years (SD 4.6)] presenting with clinical features suggestive of acute appendicitis who were later diagnosed as having dengue fever (DF). Seven were admitted to hospital by surgeons and then referred to physicians due to thrombocytopenia (one of them

Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever infection simulating acute appendicitis.

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An unusual cause of acute abdominal pain simulating acute appendicitis is presented. The patient was admitted with complaints of fever, malaise, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, and severe bleeding. Based on the clinical and epidemiological findings, a diagnosis of Crimean Congo hemorrhagic

Pheochromocytoma - An incidental finding in a child with acute appendicitis.

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Pheochromocytoma, a rare tumour, arises mainly in the adrenal gland. It consists of chromaffin cells or sympathetic para-ganglia if extra-adrenal. It is an occurrence of rare nature with an incidence of two to eight cases per million annually. Incidence of paediatric pheochromocytoma is estimated at

Predictors risk factors for acute complex appendicitis pain in patients: Are there gender differences?

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Objective: The purpose of this study is to determine the predictive risk factors for appendicitis and the cost-effectiveness of using abdominal helical computed tomography (CT) in comparison to abdominal ultrasonography (US) for the

[Tertian malaria in children and adults from an epidemic region in southern Turkey (author's transl)].

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Since 1974 an epidemic of tertian malaria has been spreading around the Adana and Tarsus townships in southern Turkey, with a peak incidence of 115 500 cases in 1977. A further increase is to be expected because the insect vectors have become resistant to insecticides. Since 1975 eleven children and

Triage of the child with abdominal pain: A clinical algorithm for emergency patient management.

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OBJECTIVE To create a simplified clinical algorithm for the triage of children with abdominal pain. METHODS Retrospective analysis. METHODS Emergency room at the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Ottawa, Ontario. METHODS A data mining methodology (rough sets analysis) was applied to a

Outpatient Laparoscopic Appendectomy: Is It Time to End the Discussion?

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BACKGROUND Laparoscopic appendectomy is typically associated with inpatient hospitalization averaging between 1 and 2 days. In July 2010, a prospective protocol for outpatient laparoscopic appendectomy was adopted at our institution. Patients were dismissed from the post-anesthesia recovery room or

Use of the rectal examination on children with acute abdominal pain.

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The purpose of this study was to determine the frequency with which general pediatricians perform a rectal examination on children with a complaint of acute abdominal pain and to determine factors associated with performing a rectal examination. Children were eligible for the study if they were 2 to

Exploratory laparoscopy for recurrent right lower quadrant pain in a pediatric population.

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Recurrent or chronic abdominal pain can be a challenging problem when conventional diagnostic studies fail to identify the cause. It is estimated that up to one-third of children suffer from abdominal pain, and in this population recurrent pain can be even more challenging. Although recurrent right

Myofascial pain syndromes--the great mimicker.

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Five myofascial pain syndromes, some mimicking more serious diseases, have been presented. They were diagnosed as and treated for: headache, shoulder bursitis, lumbar herniated disc with radiculopathy, angina pectoris and appendicitis. An understanding of these pain problems, produced from trigger

They call it stormy Monday--reasons for referral from primary to secondary care according to the days of the week.

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Previous studies of specialist care have shown that the onset of acute myocardial infarction occurs most frequently on Mondays; however, the septadian pattern in the reasons for referrals from primary care to secondary care has not been examined previously. We examined daily variations in rates of

Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis in a patient with appendicular abscess: a case report

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Background: Acute appendicitis is a common abdominal emergency, while cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) is a rare cerebral vascular disease. Cases of CVST in patients with appendicitis have not been reported in literature.

[Emergency medicine: update 2010].

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Several scores with predictive value for morbidity or mortality have been published this year. Their current purpose is to improve the direction of admissions and lengths of stay in hospital. Their use permits more directed care, especially for the elderly, and therefore could improve the proper

Safety and Immunogenicity of Cuban Antipneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine PCV7-TT in Healthy Adults.

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INTRODUCTION Pneumococcal infections are a major cause of morbidity and mortality and are associated with considerable economic burden on health systems. To prevent pneumococcal infections, 7-valent conjugate vaccines have been available for over a decade; more recently, 10- and 13-valent conjugate

Glioblastoma associated with intratumoral abscess formation. Case report.

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A 45-year-old man presented with a rare case of glioblastoma associated with intratumoral abscess formation manifesting as headache and vomiting after an appendectomy. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated a ring-enhanced lesion mimicking malignant glioma. Craniotomy and
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