Haitian Creole


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BACKGROUND Few studies have investigated the effects of preoperative dexamethasone in acute surgical patients. This study examined the effects of 8 mg dexamethasone administered intravenously 30 min before surgery for suspected acute appendicitis. METHODS A multicentre, parallel-group, double-blind,
An adolescent female presented with one day of abdominal pain and clinical findings of acute appendicitis. CT scan revealed an ectopic right kidney with changes of acute pyelonephritis. This paper underscores the importance of imaging the right pelvis prior to surgical intervention in suspected

Appendicitis in the first three years of life.

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Appendicitis is the first 3 years of life is uncommon and most cases are perforated at laparotomy. Case records at the Adelaide Children's Hospital were reviewed over a 12-year period. The findings were that acute appendicitis in this age group is commonly associated with respiratory symptoms and

Appendicitis: an unusual cause of pneumonia and impending shock in a toddler.

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Owing to its lower incidence in young children, appendicitis is not as often thought of as a common cause of abdominal pain and vomiting in this age group. However, because of its higher incidence of morbidity (perforation and peritonitis), it should be considered in any young child with either

[Chronic appendicitis due to multiple fecaliths. A case report].

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BACKGROUND The appendix inflammatory process is the most common cause of chronic abdominal pain in the right lower quadrant. The frequency of appendiceal lumen obstruction by fecalith ranges from 10 to 20%; few cases of obstruction by multiple fecaliths had been reported. METHODS Sixty-nine years

Appendix epidermoid cyst: Presenting as an acute appendicitis.

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We report a rare case of a cystic mass in an appendix in a patient who presented nausea, vomiting, and sharp pain in lower right abdomen and mimicking acute appendicitis. Although this entity is very rare, careful physical observation, imaging, and pathology can be helpful to make an accurate

Swine influenza (H1N1) and acute appendicitis.

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BACKGROUND During the swine influenza (H1N1) pandemic that began in 2009, many hospitalized adults had gastrointestinal symptoms. The most common symptoms associated with swine influenza (H1N1) were nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. In the experience of the authors, swine influenza was not complicated

Pattern of acute appendicitis in Mekelle, Ethiopia.

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BACKGROUND Acute appendicitis is one of the commonly encountered emergencies in the practice of general surgery but there are no much study regarding the magnitude and its pattern in Ethiopia and in Mekelle hospital in particular. OBJECTIVE This study was aimed at assessing the magnitude, pattern

Inflammatory omental cyst adjacent to the transverse colon mimicking appendicitis in an adult patient.

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Cysts of the omentum are rare and most frequently discovered in children. These cysts may cause abdominal distension, pain, or vomiting. Omental cysts with right lower quadrant pain are found even more rarely in adults. We describe a 44-year-old male who had a 2-day history of abdominal pain

Appendicitis complicating pregnancy.

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In this series, nine pregnant patients had appendectomy. Seven patients had acute appendicitis; pyuria and symptoms suggesting urinary tract infection delayed diagnosis in one whose appendix perforated. Abdominal pain and nausea with or without vomiting were presenting symptoms in all of the

Case report: acute appendicitis in an inguinal hernia.

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Primary appendicitis presenting in a hernia sac is uncommon. Diagnosis depends on a high index of suspicion. The authors present a case report of a 65-year-old male with a two-day history of a painful irreducible right inguinal mass; he denied abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, or chills.

Childhood appendicitis in Zaria: a retrospective study.

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Very little had been reported about childhood appendicitis from Africa. This retrospective report comprises two parts. One part is an overview of appendicitis in 207 children operated upon between January, 1981 and December, 1990 and the other involved a detailed study of 44 patients seen in the

[Acute appendicitis: a study on 118 patients].

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One hundred eighteen patients with acute appendicitis operated on at Kawasaki Medical School Hospital during the 8-year period from Aug. 1, 1976 to Feb. 29, 1984 were reviewed. There were 78 children and 40 adults. The clinico-pathological types of acute appendicitis were: simple acute in 35 cases

Acute contact appendicitis due to a migrated pericardial drain: a case report.

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BACKGROUND The literature is replete with articles of foreign-body appendicitis and periappendicitis, but to our knowledge there are only two reports of extraintestinal foreign bodies causing contact appendicitis. METHODS A 47-year old woman presented to the emergency department with a 24-hour

Double Meckel's diverticulum presenting as acute appendicitis: a case report and literature review.

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BACKGROUND Meckel's diverticulum is the most common developmental anomaly of the gastrointestinal tract, affecting 1-3% of the general population. This anomaly is caused by incomplete obliteration of the omphalomesenteric duct during the 7th week of gestation and is located in the last meter of the
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