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Inflammatory events involving activated microglia have been recognized to play an important role in pathogenesis of various neurodegenerative disorders including Parkinson disease. Compounds regulating activation profiles of microglia may provide therapeutic benefits for Parkinson disease
The suppressor of cytokine signaling protein 3 (SOCS3) critically controls immune cell activation, although its role in macrophage polarization and function remains controversial. Using experimental autoimmune uveoretinitis (EAU) as a model, we show that inflammation-mediated retinal degeneration is

Induction of arginase II mRNA by nitric oxide using an in vitro model of gyrate atrophy of choroid and retina.

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OBJECTIVE The authors previously reported ornithine cytotoxicity in ornithine-δ-aminotransferase (OAT)-deficient human retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells as an in vitro model of gyrate atrophy of the choroid and retina (GA). Given that RPE cells are severely damaged by arginine combined with

Arginase 2 promotes neurovascular degeneration during ischemia/reperfusion injury.

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Retinal ischemia is a major cause of visual impairment and blindness and is involved in various disorders including diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, optic neuropathies and retinopathy of prematurity. Neurovascular degeneration is a common feature of these pathologies. Our lab has previously reported

Arginase 2 deficiency prevents oxidative stress and limits hyperoxia-induced retinal vascular degeneration.

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BACKGROUND Hyperoxia exposure of premature infants causes obliteration of the immature retinal microvessels, leading to a condition of proliferative vitreoretinal neovascularization termed retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). Previous work has demonstrated that the hyperoxia-induced vascular injury is

Integrin CD11b Deficiency Aggravates Retinal Microglial Activation and RGCs Degeneration After Acute Optic Nerve Injury.

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Neuroinflammation plays a vital role in the process of a variety of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) degenerative diseases including traumatic optic neuropathy (TON). Retinal microglial activation is believed as a harbinger of TON, and robust microglial activation can aggravate trauma-induced RGCs

Sustained Arginase 1 Expression Modulates Pathological Tau Deposits in a Mouse Model of Tauopathy.

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Tau accumulation remains one of the closest correlates of neuronal loss in Alzheimer's disease. In addition, tau associates with several other neurodegenerative diseases, collectively known as tauopathies, in which clinical phenotypes manifest as cognitive impairment, behavioral disturbances, and
The constant growth of a liver transplantations performed in Poland is the primary reason for a search for new, better and more exact methods of graft function assessment. They should give an opportunity of early detection of either perfusion disorders or organ's function deterioration. Thus, the

Neurological Deterioration in Three Siblings: Exploring the Spectrum of Argininemia

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Argininemia or hyperargininemia is a urea cycle disorder caused by deficiency of the enzyme arginase 1. It is inherited in an autosomal recessive fashion. It commonly leads to spastic diplegia in childhood, but other important features include cognitive deterioration and epilepsy. Unlike other

Deletion of Arginase 2 Ameliorates Retinal Neurodegeneration in a Mouse Model of Multiple Sclerosis.

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Optic neuritis is a major clinical feature of multiple sclerosis (MS) and can lead to temporary or permanent vision loss. Previous studies from our laboratory have demonstrated the critical involvement of arginase 2 (A2) in retinal neurodegeneration in models of ischemic retinopathy. The current

Alterations of arginase activity in scrapie-infected mice and in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

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We followed the dynamics of arginase activity, the ultrastructural changes, and accumulation of the scrapie agent in the CNS of scrapie-infected mice. The arginase activity has been shown to increase 5-fold within the first 3-4 months of the incubation period followed by subsequent fall at its end.

Arginase 2 deficiency reduces hyperoxia-mediated retinal neurodegeneration through the regulation of polyamine metabolism.

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Hyperoxia treatment has been known to induce neuronal and glial death in the developing central nervous system. Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is a devastating disease in premature infants and a major cause of childhood vision impairment. Studies indicate that, in addition to vascular injury,
Background: The regenerating blastema of the tail in the lizard Podarcis muralis contains numerous macrophages among the prevalent mesenchymal cells. Some macrophages are phagocytic but others are devoid of phagosomes suggesting that they have other roles aside

Short-term correction of arginase deficiency in a neonatal murine model with a helper-dependent adenoviral vector.

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Neonatal gene therapy has the potential to ameliorate abnormalities before disease onset. Our gene knockout of arginase I (AI) deficiency is characterized by increasing hyperammonemia, neurological deterioration, and early death. We constructed a helper-dependent adenoviral vector (HDV) carrying AI

Low arginine/asymmetric dimethylarginine ratio deteriorates systemic hemodynamics and organ blood flow in a rat model.

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OBJECTIVE Both arginine and asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) play a crucial role in the arginine-nitric oxide pathway. Low arginine and high ADMA levels can be found in critically ill patients after major surgery. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of low arginine plasma
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