Haitian Creole

asphyxia neonatorum/hitasótt

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Perinatal asphyxia, hyperthermia and hyperferremia as factors inducing behavioural disturbances in adulthood: a rat model.

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Alertness was studied in adult male Wistar rats after neonatal critical anoxia applied under three different thermal conditions: (i) at physiological neonatal body temperature of 33 degrees C, (ii) at body temperature elevated to 37 degrees C, and (iii) at body temperature elevated to 39 degrees C

Hyperammonemia associated with perinatal asphyxia.

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Twelve infants with severe perinatal asphyxia were found to have elevated blood ammonia levels (302 to 960 microgram/100 ml). In the seven survivors, hyperammonemia was associated with CNS irritability, hyperthermia, hypertension, and wide neonatal heart rate oscillations. Follow-up examinations
Aim of this study was to identify risk factors for adverse neonatal outcomes in neonates born to mothers with noninfectious intrapartum hyperthermia. A retrospective study was conducted of 460 singleton deliveries diagnosed with noninfectious intrapartum

Neonatal asphyxia under hyperthermic conditions alters HPA axis function in juvenile rats.

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Neonatal anoxia is an example of early-life threatening experience that might exert long-lasting behavioral disturbance. One of the consequences of neonatal asphyxia is hyperactivity in open-field test. Changes in open-field activity are coupled with changes in the function of the

Effect of hyperthermia and anoxia on glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid receptor expression in neonatal rat hippocampus.

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Brief periods of neonatal asphyxia are frequently observed. Within the CNS, the hippocampus is known to be particularly vulnerable to the damaging effects of hypoxia/ischaemia. The hippocampus contains the highest concentration of both mineralocorticoid (MR) and glucocorticoid (GR) receptors and the

Subchronic perinatal asphyxia increased anxiety-and depression-like behaviors in the rat offspring.

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OBJECTIVE Perinatal asphyxia is one of the major cause of mortality in newborns and cause of neurological disorders in adulthood. Brain damage is of the most concern due to high sensitivity of nervous system to suboptimal intrauterine oxygen condition. The aim of this study was to assess effect of

Septicaemia of the newborn, associated with ruptured foetal membranes, discoloured amniotic fluid or maternal fever.

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The incidence of neonatal septicaemia associated with prolonged rupture of foetal membranes, discoloured amniotic fluid and/or maternal fever was investigated. A total of 807 blood cultures were performed on 329 neonates, the placental end of 239 umbilical cords and on 239 mothers. The study showed

Risk factors for neonatal mortality due to birth asphyxia in southern Nepal: a prospective, community-based cohort study.

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OBJECTIVE Our goal was to identify antepartum, intrapartum, and infant risk factors for birth asphyxia mortality in a rural, low-resource, population-based cohort in southern Nepal. METHODS Data were collected prospectively during a cluster-randomized, community-based trial evaluating the impact of

Perinatal Factors Leading to Birth Asphyxia among Term Newborns in a Tertiary Care Hospital.

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OBJECTIVE To determine various perinatal factors leading to birth asphyxia among term newborns in a tertiary care hospital. METHODS In a cross sectional study, a total of 196 asphyxiated cases were selected through consecutive non-probability sampling technique from neonatal intensive care unit
This study was undertaken with the objective of comparing efficacy and safety for two different regimens using misoprostol for induction of labour.The study was set in two different hospitals in the region of Zeeland, Denmark, and designed as a prospective
OBJECTIVE To compare maternal and neonatal outcomes between caesarean section performed in the first and second stages of labour at the maternity unit of the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, Lagos, Nigeria. METHODS Patients hospital records from 1st January 2008 to 31st December 2009 were
OBJECTIVE Data on outcomes after admission in pediatric emergency departments are sparse in India. Our objectives were to determine the clinical and epidemiologic profile of acutely ill children and to identify risk factors for mortality. METHODS Prospective, longitudinal study, conducted in

Perinatal outcomes of low-risk planned home and hospital births under midwife-led care in Japan.

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OBJECTIVE It has not been extensively studied whether planned home and planned hospital births under primary midwife-led care increase risk of adverse events among low-risk women in Japan. METHODS A retrospective cohort study was performed to compare perinatal outcome between 291 women who were

Management of sick children by health workers in Ballabgarh: lessons for implementation of IMCI in India.

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The aim of this study was to determine the impact of training of health workers in the management of pediatric morbidity in terms of reduction in infant mortality rate (IMR) a 2-year period in rural Ballabgarh with a present IMR of 37 per 1000 live births. The study was designed as a pre- and
The purpose of this study was to study the impact of epidural analgesia using low-concentration local anesthetic during the entire labor on maternal and neonatal outcomes.The authors enrolled 2310 parturient mothers who underwent vaginal delivery at their
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