Haitian Creole

atrioventricular block/fatigue

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[Complete atrioventricular block due to cardiac metastasis from bladder cancer: case report].

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A 72-year-old woman was diagnosed with bladder cancer (cT3bN0M0). After 2 cycles of GC (gemcitabine,cisplatin) neoadjuvant chemotherapy, the patient underwent a cystectomy and ileal conduit construction. Pathological findings showed urothelial carcinoma, high grade, G2>G3, pT3a, INFβ, ly0, v1. Six

Reversible complete atrioventricular block due to malignant lymphoma.

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An 83-year-old man was hospitalized due to general fatigue and dyspnoea. He was diagnosed as having complete atrioventricular (AV) block due to cardiac involvement by a malignant lymphoma. Eleven days after the initiation of chemotherapy, the complete AV block disappeared and only a first degree AV

[An unusual cause of complete atrioventricular block--a case report].

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BACKGROUND Complete atrioventricular block is a serious disorder, since patients may be asymptomatic. However, it is an important risk for sudden cardiac death. METHODS A 48-year old male patient was admitted to the coronary care unit, due to recurring substernal chest pain. It was followed by

Complete atrioventricular block due to venous stent migration from innominate vein to right ventricle: a case report.

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A 78-year-old man who had been treated with maintenance hemodialysis for chronic renal failure was admitted with severe edema in left arm for 1 month. Venous angiography showed a severe stenosis in left innominate vein, then, he underwent percutaneous balloon angioplasty and venous stenting (Wall

Wenckebach responsive to cephalosporins - it must be Lyme carditis.

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A 37-year-old female presented to the hospital with erythema migrans and fatigue developed hypotension and variable episodes of AV block, including both Mobitz I and complete AV block. She was treated with IV antibiotics and her arrhythmia resolved within 24 hours without any further intervention.

[Complete heart block and Lyme disease: report of two different cases and literature review].

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The most typical manifestation of cardiac involvement in Lyme disease (LD) is a high grade and usually fluctuating heart block, which is generally reversible, even self-limiting. Two cases of LD with a different course of complete heart block (CHB) are described. In a 43-year-old man admitted due to

Electrocardiographic assessments and cardiac events after fingolimod first dose - a comprehensive monitoring study.

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BACKGROUND First dose observation for cardiac effects is required for fingolimod, but recommendations on the extent vary. This study aims to assess cardiac safety of fingolimod first dose. Individual bradyarrhythmic episodes were evaluated to assess the relevance of continuous electrocardiogram

An Unrecognized Rash Progressing to Lyme Carditis: Important Features and Recommendations Regarding Lyme Disease.

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We present a case report of 46-year-old man with no medical history, who complained of extreme fatigue, near-syncope, and palpitations. He initially presented in complete heart block. A transvenous pacemaker was placed in the emergency department, and he was started empirically on Ceftriaxone for

[A clinical analysis of 10 cases with cardiac lymphoma].

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Objective: To analyze the morbidity, clinical characteristics, therapeutic outcomes and prognosis of cardiac lymphoma. Methods: Individual patient data were obtained from pathology defined 10 cases of cardiac lymphoma from Jan 2000 to Jun 2016. The patient's general information, clinical

Sotalol: a new class III antiarrhythmic agent.

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The chemistry, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, clinical efficacy, adverse effects, and dosage of sotalol hydrochloride are reviewed. The chemical name of sotalol hydrochloride is 4'-[1-hydroxy-2-(isopropylamino)ethyl]methanesulfonanilide monohydrochloride. Sotalol is a class III antiarrhythmic that
Diprafenone is a new antiarrhythmic drug with a dominant local anaesthetic action and an additional beta-sympathicolytic activity. In this study, the results of long-term treatment (8 months on average) obtained from 27 patients with chronic ventricular arrhythmias are reported. Before diprafenone,

Choosing the most appropriate treatment for stable angina. Safety considerations.

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The goals of stable angina pectoris treatment are: (i) symptom relief and increase in angina-free walking time; and (ii) reduction of mortality and adverse outcome. Strategies used for plaque stabilisation resulting in a reduction in cardiovascular mortality and morbidity are: smoking cessation;

[Primary cardiac lymphoma].

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Primary cardiac non-Hodgkin lymphoma is very rare. Results recently published suggest that the prognosis is good, if the lymphoma is diagnosed early. The symptoms are nevertheless unspecific and a clinical investigation is often inconclusive. We report a case of a woman with symptoms of severe

Rapid complete atrioventricular heart block reversal due to Lyme carditis.

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A 49-year-old man, who presented with new onset dyspnea on exertion and fatigue without clear history of a typical erythema migrans rash, was found to have complete atrioventricular (AV) heart block with positive serology for Lyme disease. A complete stepwise reversal of the AV block was achieved

Lyme carditis: Early occurrence and prolonged recovery.

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Lyme carditis is an uncommon manifestation of early disseminated Lyme disease. This case illustrates a 66-year-old male with complaints of fatigue, myalgias, and fever after a tick bite 3days earlier. A large erythema migrans was found on the chest wall. Initial electrocardiogram showed sinus rhythm
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