Haitian Creole

bronchial spasm/kalín

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Safety of daily albuterol in infants with a history of bronchospasm: a multi-center placebo controlled trial.

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BACKGROUND Inhaled short-acting bronchodilators are recommended for the quick relief of bronchospasm symptoms in children including those less than five years of age. However, limited safety data is available in this young population. METHODS Safety data were analyzed from a randomized,

Prednisolone hastens recovery from histamine-induced bronchospasm in asthmatics.

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Short-term treatment with oral steroids is very effective in control ling symptoms and improving lung function in asthma but has not been shown unequivocally to reduce bronchial hyperresponsiveness. Recently it has been shown to increase the activities of sodium-potassium and calcium adenosine

Effects of a potassium channel opener (SDZ PCO 400) on guinea-pig and human pulmonary airways.

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1. SDZ PCO 400 evoked dose-related relaxation of isolated airway smooth muscle. For human bronchus precontracted by endogenous tone or addition of carbachol (10(-5) M), IC50 values were 1.74 microM and 1.82 microM respectively. With guinea-pig trachea contracted by endogenous tone, a comparable IC50
1. The potential of the potassium channel activator, cromakalim (BRL 34915), as a bronchodilator has been evaluated in guinea-pig models in comparison with nifedipine. Some effects of the compounds on guinea-pig tracheal spirals have been studied in an attempt to elucidate their different efficacies

Airway pharmacology of the potassium channel opener, HOE 234, in guinea pigs: in vitro and in vivo studies.

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The smooth muscle relaxant effects of the novel potassium channel opener, HOE 234, were investigated in guinea pig airways and compared with those of lemakalim (BRL 38227). Both agents evoked concentration-related reduction in spontaneous tracheal tone or in the tone induced by histamine,
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the metabolic and cardiopulmonary effects of nebulized albuterol in patients suffering moderate to severe exacerbations of asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. METHODS Open-label, prospective study. METHODS The emergency department of a university medical

Effects of heparin on hypertonic potassium chloride-induced bronchoconstriction.

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BACKGROUND Changes in bronchial osmolarity is a well-known factor for bronchoconstricion. Recenty, nonisotonic aerosols have begun to be used for the assessment of bronchial hyperreactivity. Hypertonic KCl can cause bronchoconstriction even in non-symptomatic asthmatic patients. OBJECTIVE To

[Suppression of the anaphylactic response of isolated smooth muscle organs by potassium arsenite].

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A possibility of inhibition of the anaphylactic reaction of the isolated human smooth muscle and smooth muscle of guinea pigs by inorganic arsenic was studied. Liquor kalii arsenicosi (Fowler's solution) completely blocked the development of anaphylactic bronchospasm and anaphylactic release of the

Future bronchodilator therapy: a bitter pill to swallow?

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Maintenance of airway tone, prevention of airway obstruction, and acute relief from bronchospasm are key targets of asthma therapy. This role is currently performed by β-agonists. However, chronic use of β-agonists to treat asthma is associated with desensitization of β-agonist signaling and a
The principle objective of this study was to define the anti-bronchoconstrictor effects of inhaled racemic formoterol and its (R,R)- and (S,S)-enantiomers in a new model of methacholine-induced bronchoconstriction in the rhesus monkey. A second long-acting beta(2)agonist, salmeterol, was included

Recent perspectives in the design of antiasthmatic agents.

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Asthma is a common respiratory disorder. It can no longer be viewed as a reversible airway obstruction but should instead be considered primarily as an inflammatory illness that has bronchial hyperreactivity and bronchospasm as its result. There are several potential benefits as well as limitations

Albuterol: an adrenergic agent for use in the treatment of asthma pharmacology, pharmacokinetics and clinical use.

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Albuterol is a long-acting beta 2-adrenergic receptor-selective drug that relaxes airway smooth muscle. It is currently available in the United States in oral and metered-dose inhaler forms. Nebulizer solutions and parenteral preparations are likely to be marketed here in the future. The chemical

Adverse effects of neuromuscular blockers and their antagonists.

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Among all the drugs used for general anesthesia, neuromuscular blockers appear to play a prominent role in the incidence of severe adverse reactions. It now seems likely that most serious adverse drug reactions occurring during anesthesia are immunological in type. The frequency of life-threatening

Adverse effects of neuromuscular blockers and their antagonists.

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Among all the drugs used for general anaesthesia, neuromuscular blockers appear to play a prominent role in the incidence of severe adverse reactions. It now seems likely that most serious adverse drug reactions occurring during anaesthesia are immunological in type. The frequency of

Choosing the most appropriate treatment for stable angina. Safety considerations.

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The goals of stable angina pectoris treatment are: (i) symptom relief and increase in angina-free walking time; and (ii) reduction of mortality and adverse outcome. Strategies used for plaque stabilisation resulting in a reduction in cardiovascular mortality and morbidity are: smoking cessation;
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