Haitian Creole

bronchopulmonary dysplasia/hitasótt

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An 8-mo-old infant born at 24-wk of gestation died unexpectedly 12 h after his ninth uneventful general anesthetic. Preoperatively, he required low-flow nasal oxygen due to bronchopulmonary dysplasia, chronic diuretic therapy, and IV alimentation. As planned preoperatively, the infant remained
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) causes seasonal epidemics between December and March (April) and remains the main agent that causes severe lower respiratory tract infections in young infants. Children with bronchopulmonary dysplasia up to 24 months of age and preterm infants with a gestational age

Late sudden unexpected deaths in hospitalized infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia.

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To determine the relative contribution of sudden death as a cause of late inpatient mortality in newborns after prolonged mechanical ventilation, we reviewed the charts of 348 patients who received ventilation assistance and who were admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit during a 26-month

Clinical risk factors are more relevant than respiratory viruses in predicting bronchiolitis severity.

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BACKGROUND The role of respiratory viruses in the pathogenesis of bronchiolitis was re-evaluated with the use of molecular methods such as PCR for virus detection. Whether specific viruses or the classical clinical risk factors are more important in determining severe bronchiolitis is not well

Effect of place of birth and transport on morbidity and mortality of preterm newborns.

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OBJECTIVE To evaluate the effect of place of birth and transport on morbidity and mortality of preterm newborns in the southern region of Brazil. METHODS This cohort study included preterm newborns transported to a reference intensive care unit (transport group = 61) and followed up until discharge.

Effects of maternal hypertension in very-low-birth-weight infants.

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OBJECTIVE To determine the effects of mild vs severe maternal hypertension on the neonatal morbidity of very-low-birth-weight infants. METHODS Cohort case-control study. METHODS Tertiary care center neonatal intensive care unit. METHODS Thirty-nine infants born to mothers with maternal hypertension

[An epidemic of respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis among infants in northern Israel].

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In the wake of a community outbreak of bronchiolitis in northern Israel from December 1993 to March 1994, we conducted a retrospective study of 108 infants aged 2 weeks to 14 months with proven respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection (diagnosed by a rapid RSV antigen test in nasopharyngeal

Use of montelukast in the treatment of early childhood wheezing from clinical experience with three cases.

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Leukotrienes were found to be raised in respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis. Montelukast is a cysteinyl leukotrienes antagonist. We report our experience with the use of montelukast in three young children from 5-months to 20-months old. The first case was a 5-month-old boy with previous good

Palivizumab: a review of its use as prophylaxis for serious respiratory syncytial virus infection.

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Palivizumab (Synagi) is a humanized monoclonal antibody that provides immunoprophylaxis against serious lower respiratory tract infections (LRTIs) caused by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). RSV is the leading cause of hospitalization for LRTIs in infants, causing winter- or wet-season epidemics.

Early- and Late-Respiratory Outcome in Very Low Birth Weight with or without Intrauterine Inflammation

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• IUI is a risk factor for spontaneous preterm birth and contributes to prematurity-associated mortality and morbidity.• HCA greatly affected Apgar's score and lung management of VLBWI at birth and later on with increased incidence of BPD.• HCA + FUN did not significantly impact on respiratory

High-resolution computed tomography of pediatric pulmonary parenchymal disorders.

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The role of CT in the diagnosis of pediatric lung disease is still evolving, but certain indications are already well established. In immunocompromised or other high-risk children who have fevers or respiratory symptoms but normal or nonspecific chest radiographs, HRCT can detect and localize

Antecedents of epilepsy and seizures among children born at extremely low gestational age.

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To identify specific risk factors for epilepsy for individuals born extremely preterm.In a prospective cohort study, at 10-year follow-up, children were classified as having epilepsy or seizures not associated with epilepsy. We evaluated for association of

[Consensus conference on acute bronchiolitis (VI): prognosis of acute bronchiolitis. Review of scientific evidence].

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We present a review of the evidence on prognosis of acute bronchiolitis, risk factors for severe forms, symptom or severity scores and risk of post-bronchiolitis asthma. Documented risk factors of long stay or PICU admission in hospitalized patients are: bronchopulmonary dysplasia and/or chronic

Perinatal cytomegalovirus infection complicated with pneumonitis and adrenalitis in a premature infant.

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Cytomegalovirus causes pneumonia, hepatitis, thrombocytopenia, and hemolytic anemia. Cytomegalovirus adrenalitis in premature infants, however, is rare. This report described a premature newborn who had progressively worsening hyperbilirubinemia, pancytopenia, and hepatosplenomegaly at the age of 4
Background and objective: Very low birthweight (VLBW) infants are highly susceptible to respiratory infections. Information about prevalence of viral respiratory infections (VRIs) in neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is scarce. Recent
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