Haitian Creole


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L-Canavanine as a radiosensitization agent for human pancreatic cancer cells.

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This study evaluated the in vitro effect of L-canavanine on cell cycle progression in the two human pancreatic cancer cells lines PANC-1 and MIA PaCa-2. After 72 h of exposure to L-canavanine, the percentage of cells in the radiosensitive G2/M phase of the cell cycle increased 6-fold in PANC-1 cells
L-Canavanine (CAV) is an arginine (ARG) analog isolated from the jack bean, Canavalia ensiformis. CAV becomes incorporated into cellular proteins of MIA PaCa-2 human pancreatic cancer cells and the aberrant, canavanyl proteins are not preferentially degraded. Hydrolytic cleavage of CAV to canaline

Enhancement of human tumor cell killing by L-canavanine in combination with gamma-radiation.

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On the basis of several physiological properties of L-canavanine, we have tested the prediction that this analogue of arginine would enhance the cytotoxic effects of gamma-rays in mammalian cells. Using the human colonic tumor cell line, HT-29, time-dose studies were performed with log-phase

Canavanine augments proapoptotic effects of arginine deprivation in cultured human cancer cells.

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Arginine deprivation achieved by means of recombinant arginine-degrading enzymes is currently being developed as a novel anticancer enzymotherapy. In this study, we showed that arginine deprivation in vitro profoundly and selectively sensitized human cancer cells of different organ origin to low

Single amino acid arginine starvation efficiently sensitizes cancer cells to canavanine treatment and irradiation.

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Single amino acid arginine deprivation is a promising strategy in modern metabolic anticancer therapy. Its potency to inhibit tumor growth warrants the search for rational chemo- and radio-therapeutic approaches to be co-applied. In this report, we evaluated, for the first time, the efficacy of

Reappraisal of L-canavanine as an anti-tumour agent.

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L-canavanine, an analogue of L-arginine, is known to have a toxic effect on pathogens. In experiments performed on a specialised epithelial-like cell system which is conditionally transformable, L-canavanine appeared to exhibit (1) a reversible 'static' effect on exponentially growing cells at
L-Canavanine (L-CAV) is a naturally occurring L-arginine analog that induces the formation of non-functional proteins in a variety of organisms. Previous studies have shown that L-CAV is cytotoxic for several human tumor cell lines. In this study, we have evaluated the cytotoxicity of L-CAV for both

Inhibition of the growth of human pancreatic cancer cells by the arginine antimetabolite L-canavanine.

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L-Canavanine (CAV), the L-2-amino-4-guanidinooxy structural analogue of L-arginine (ARG), is a potent ARG antagonist which occurs in the jack bean, Canavalia ensiformis. This ARG antimetabolite is active against L1210 murine leukemia and a solid colonic tumor in the rat. Our initial studies using a
BACKGROUND The non-protein amino acid L-canavanine (L-CAV), found in several plants of the family Fabaceae is an antimetabolite which shows anticancer activity due to its ability to be incorporated into protein in the place of its analogue, L-arginine (L-ARG), leading to the alteration of the 3D

L-Canavanine Potentiates Cytotoxicity of Chemotherapeutic Drugs in Human Breast Cancer Cells.

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BACKGROUND Due to the high level of argininosuccinate synthase (ASS), a key enzyme for the formation of arginine from citrulline, human breast cancers are often resistant to arginine deprivation therapy. An antimetabolite, Lcanavanine (L-CAV), can be incorporated into proteins in the place of

Selective cytotoxicity of L-canavanine in tumorigenic Madin-Darby canine kidney T1 cells.

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L-canavanine, an analog of L-arginine, was examined for toxicity in a normal canine kidney epithelial cell line, Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK), and in its chemically transformed derivative MDCK-T1. Under conditions where the analog reversibly arrested growth of MDCK cells, more than 90% of the

In vitro culture studies of Sutherlandia frutescens on human tumor cell lines.

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Sutherlandia frutescens is a South African herb used traditionally by the natives to treat cancer, and more recently to improve the overall health in HIV/AIDS patients. Gas chromatography/mass spectrometer profiling and liquid chromatographic/mass spectral investigation confirmed and quantified the

Synthesis and biological activity of canavanine hydrazide derivatives.

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The canavanine derivatives L-canavanine hydrazide (CH), L-canavanine-bis-(2-chloroethyl)hydrazide (CBCH) and L-canavanine phenylhydrazide (CPH) were synthesized and evaluated for biological activity in microorganisms, plants and tumor cells using canavanine as a positive control. (1) In microbial

Stress response, survival and enhancement of heat sensitivity in a human melanoma cell line treated with L-canavanine.

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L-Canavanine, like other aminoacid analogs, induces the synthesis of heat shock proteins (HPSs) but, unlike heat or other stressing agents, it fails to induce thermotolerance. We have studied the synthesis and the intracellular distribution of HSPs induced by canavanine, the effects of this analog

Effects of L-canavanine and ozone on vascular reactivity in septicemic rats.

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Septicemia leads to oxidative stress with overproduction of reactive-oxygen species (ROS) and consumption of endogenous antioxidant enzymes. We tested a twofold hypothesis: (1) does oxidative stress (OxS) induced by sepsis acting alone or in concert with augmented inflammatory processes contributes
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