Haitian Creole

cassia javanica/albumin

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15 niðurstöður
In the present investigation, the characterization of Cassia fistula leaf extracts (CFLE) mediated gold nanoparticles (CF-GNPs) and its binding features with human serum albumin (HSA) through interaction have been probed. The results from UV-visible, TEM and EDX analysis proved the formation

The biochemical role and hypocholesterolaemic potential of the legume Cassia fistula in hypercholesterolaemic rats.

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The hypocholesterolaemic effect of Cassia fistula was investigated using hypercholesterolaemic male albino rats. Hypercholesterolaemia was induced by feeding on a mixture of cholesterol plus cholic acid for a 12 weeks period. Hypercholesterolaemia was characterized by significant increase in the

Effect of Tamarindus indica Linn. and Cassia fistula Linn. stem bark extracts on oxidative stress and diabetic conditions.

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Tamarindus indica and Cassia fistula are traditionally important medicinal plants. Stem barks of these plants have not been much explored for their potential hypoglycemic and oxidative stress conditions. The main aim of present study was to evaluate antidiabetic activity along with renal

A proanthocyanidin-rich extract from Cassia abbreviata exhibits antioxidant and hepatoprotective activities in vivo.

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BACKGROUND Cassia abbreviata is a small to medium sized branched umbrella-shaped deciduous tree. It is widely spread in the tropics, especially in Africa, having a long history in traditional medicine for the treatment of numerous conditions such as headaches, diarrhea, constipation, some skin

The pathological and biochemical effects of feeding fermented leaves of Cassia obtusifolia 'Kawal' to broiler chicks.

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Fermented leaves of Cassia obtusifolia 'Kawal' were mixed in the food of broiler chicks at concentrations of 25, 50 and 100 g/Kg and then fed to chicks from 1 day to 8 weeks of age. Growth rate was depressed in relation to the concentration of Kawal. Lesions of an inflammatory-degenerative type were

Toxicological interactions of Cassia senna and Nerium oleander in the diet of rats.

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The toxic effects of diet containing 10% of C. senna L. fruits or 10% of N. oleander L. leaves or their 1:1 mixture (5% + 5%) on male Wistar rats treated for 6 weeks were investigated. Diarrhea was a prominent sign of C. senna L. toxicosis. In both phytotoxicities, there were decreases in body
Cinnamomum cassia Blume (CC) is one of the world's oldest natural spices, and is commonly used in traditional oriental medicine. We investigated the protective effect of ethanol extract from Cinnamomum cassia Blume (CCE) on the activation of hepatic stellate cells (HSCs). In addition, we examined

Diuretic and antioxidant activities of the aqueous extract of leaves of Cassia occidentalis (Linn.) in rats.

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OBJECTIVE To assess the putative diuretic and antioxidant properties of Cassia occidentalis (C. occidentalis) leaves' aqueous extract. METHODS Adult rats were administered with C. occidentalis leaves aqueous extract acutely (24 h) and subchronically (7 d), at doses 80, 160, 240, 320, and 400 mg/kg

Studies on the use of Cassia singueana in malaria ethnopharmacy.

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Cassia singueana (Family: Fabaceae) is used in northern Nigeria for the treatment of acute malaria attack. We investigated the activities of the methanol extract of the root bark of this plant against rodent plasmodia infection, nociception, pyrexia and inflammation in mice and rats. The studies

Combined toxicity of Cassia senna and Citrullus colocynthis in rats.

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Body weight loss, inefficiency of feed utilization, diarrhea, ruffled hair and enterohepatonephrotoxicity were effects on male Wistar rats fed diet containing 10% Cassia senna or 10% Citrullus colocynthis ripe fruits for 6w. Rats fed a 1:1 mixture (5% + 5%) of fruits from these plants were more

Anthraquinones from the seeds of Cassia tora with inhibitory activity on protein glycation and aldose reductase.

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Nine anthraquinones, aurantio-obtusin (1), chryso-obtusin (2), obtusin (3), chryso-obtusin-2-O-beta-D-glucoside (4), physcion (5), emodin (6), chrysophanol (7), obtusifolin (8), and obtusifolin-2-O-beta-D-glucoside (9), isolated from an EtOAc-soluble extract of the seeds of Cassia tora, were

Peroxynitrite scavenging mode of alaternin isolated from Cassia tora.

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Peroxynitrite (ONOO-), formed from the reaction of superoxide (.O2-) and nitric oxide (NO), is a potent oxidant that contributes to the oxidation of various cellular constituents, including lipids, amino acids, sulfhydryls and nucleotides. It can cause cellular injury, such as DNA fragmentation and
BACKGROUND Tarvada [Cassia auriculata Linn. (Caesalpiniaceae)] is used against liver ailments in Indian folk medicine, but there is a lack of scientific evidence for this traditional claim. OBJECTIVE The present study investigated the protective effect of methanol extract of tarvada (MECA) roots on

Interaction of anthraquinones of Cassia occidentalis seeds with DNA and Glutathione.

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Consumption of Cassia occidentalis (CO) seeds has been associated with the hepatomyoencephalopathy (HME) in children. Recently, we have characterized the toxic anthraquinones (AQs) such as Emodin, Rhein, Aloe-emodin, Chrysophanol and Physcion in CO seeds and detected these moieties in the bio fluids

Anti-Advanced Glycation End-product and Free Radical Scavenging Activity of Plants from the Yucatecan Flora.

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BACKGROUND Formation and accumulation of advanced glycation end-products (AGE) is recognized as a major pathogenic process in diabetic complications, atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. In addition, reactive oxygen species and free radicals have also been reported to participate in AGE
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