Haitian Creole

cephaeline/carapichea ipecacuanha

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Absorption, distribution and excretion of 3H-labeled cephaeline- and emetine-spiked ipecac syrup in rats.

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The maximum plasma radioactivity levels of tritium (3H)-labeled cephaeline, (24.3, 28.7 and 40.6 ng eq./mL) were reached at 2.00-3.33 hours following oral dosing of ipecac syrup. The maximum plasma radioactivity levels of 3H-emetine (2.71, 6.47 and 9.62 ng eq./mL) were reached at 1.08-2.33 hours

Biotransformation of the ipecac alkaloids cephaeline and emetine from ipecac syrup in rats.

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The metabolism of cephaeline and emetine, which are the primary active components of ipecac syrup, were investigated in rats. Cephaeline-6'-O-glucuronide was found to be a biliary metabolite of cephaeline. Cephaeline (6'-O-demethylemetine) and 9-O-demethylemetine were observed to be
In this study, we identified the metabolites and the CYP forms that are specifically involved in emetine O-demethylation in human liver microsomes, and cleared the inhibitory potential of cephaeline and emetine on the activity of the major drug-metabolizing CYP enzymes. Incubation of emetine with

Production of the alkaloids emetine and cephaeline in callus cultures of Cephaelis ipecacuanha.

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The medicinal shrub Carapichea ipecacuanha (ipecac) is an amphitropic species with three disjunct areas of distribution. In the Brazilian Atlantic and Amazonian ranges, the species was associated mostly with the understory of seasonal semideciduous forests, whereas in the Central American-Colombian

Molecular cloning of an O-methyltransferase from adventitious roots of Carapichea ipecacuanha.

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Carapichea ipecacuanha produces various emetine-type alkaloids, known as ipecac alkaloids, which have long been used as expectorants, emetics, and amebicides. In this study, we isolated an O-methyltransferase cDNA from this medicinal plant. The encoded protein (CiOMT1) showed 98% sequence identity

Toxicology of ipecac: a review.

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The general effectiveness and safety of Ipecac syrup, per se, has not been questioned, but rather an attempt has been made to consolidate pertinent literature dealing with the toxic manifestations of Ipecac fluid extract. Ipecac contains both emetine and cephaeline and the toxicity of Ipecac fluid

Transformation of ipecac (Cephaelis ipecacuanha) with Agrobacterium rhizogenes.

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Transformed root cultures of ipecac (Cephaelis ipecacuanha A. Richard), one of the recalcitrant woody plant species for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation, were established by co-culturing of in vitro petiole segments with Agrobacterium rhizogenes ATCC 15 834. Southern blot analysis of the
Ipecac alkaloids produced in the medicinal plant Psychotria ipecacuanha such as emetine and cephaeline possess a monoterpenoid-tetrahydroisoquinoline skeleton, which is formed by condensation of dopamine and secologanin. The condensation products are deglucosylated, and the resulting aglycon is

Urinary excretion of ipecac alkaloids in human volunteers.

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Limited data are available regarding urinary excretion of ipecac alkaloids in humans. In this study, ipecac syrup was administered po to 12 healthy human volunteers at a dose of either 20 mL or 30 mL, and urinary excretions of cephaeline and emetine as well as blood and vomit concentrations were

[Rapid detection of alkaloids in Ipecac by direct analysis in real time tandem mass spectrometry (DART-MS/MS)].

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OBJECTIVE To detect alkaloids in Ipecac by direct analysis in real time tandem mass spectrometry (DART-MS) without pre-treatment and chromatographic separation. METHODS Under the optimum conditions, DART-MS characteristic spectra were collected for tablet of Ipecac powder, Ipecac stems and leaves by

Pharmacological aspects of ipecac syrup (TJN-119)-induced emesis in ferrets.

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In order to elucidate the precise mechanism of ipecac syrup (TJN-119) on the occurrence of vomiting, we examined the effects of ipecac syrup on the abdominal afferent nerve activity as well as on the 5-HT levels of the ileum and area postrema in ferrets. Oral administration of TJN-119 (0.5 mg/kg)

Efficacy of emetic and United State pharmacopoeia ipecac syrup in prevention of drug absorption.

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The efficacy of both the emetic syrup prepared in the previous report and the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) ipecac syrup concerning the prevention of drug absorption was investigated in 4 beagle dogs using a randomized and cross-over design. In order to control the intragastric pH of the beagle

Absorption of ipecac alkaloids in emergency patients.

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Syrup of ipecac contains the nauseant alkaloids emetine and cephaeline. Although thousands of doses are given yearly, no data exist on the absorption of these alkaloids in man. We gave 30 mL of USP Syrup to ten adult patients. Blood and urine samples were obtained at approximately one-half and two

The new beta-D-glucosidase in terpenoid-isoquinoline alkaloid biosynthesis in Psychotria ipecacuanha.

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Ipecac alkaloids produced in the medicinal plant Psychotria ipecacuanha such as emetine and cephaeline possess a monoterpenoid-tetrahydroisoquinoline skeleton, which is formed by condensation of dopamine and secologanin. Deglucosylation of one of the condensed products N-deacetylisoipecoside (1
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