Haitian Creole


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Testicular choriocarcinoma revealed by a localized pulmonary edema: a case report.

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We report the case of a young man hospitalized because of an acute pulmonary embolism presenting as a focal pulmonary edema, without evidence of left ventricular failure. This pulmonary embolism was caused by a testicular choriocarcinoma that entailed both a neoplastic venous involvement with

Fatal brain edema not related to metastatic disease in a patient with choriocarcinoma.

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Metastasis of choriocarcinoma to lumbar and sacral column.

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We describe the case of a patient who reported a 4-month history of edema in the lower right limb, which was accompanied by pain and paresthesia and which progressed to flaccid paraplegia. Two years earlier she had undergone a uterine curettage for hydatidiform mole. Metastases of a choriocarcinoma

Membranous glomerulonephritis in a patient with choriocarcinoma: case report.

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A 26-year-old woman presented at our hospital with pretibial edema, swelling, and vaginal bleeding. She had nephrotic-level proteinuria and was diagnosed with choriocarcinoma after a histologic examination of her uterine curetting was performed. The renal biopsy specimen was compatible with
OBJECTIVE To review the last 15 year experience of choriocarcinoma following a term gestation at the New England Trophoblastic Disease Center (NETDC) and compare these results to earlier data to determine any changes in the clinical presentation and outcome of this disease. METHODS Women with

[Primary choriocarcinoma of the bladder: a case report of autopsy].

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The patient was a 70-year-old male with complaint of macrohematuria at the first visit to our clinic on June 10, 1986. At that time, cystoscopy revealed a thumb sized papillary tumor and a rice sized non papillary tumor, and the biopsy specimen was pathologically diagnosed as undifferentiated

[Rupture of intracranial aneurysm due to intravascular metastasis of choriocarcinoma. Case report].

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A 55-year-old female was admitted to the Juntendo Izunagaoka Hospital, because of sudden onset of motor aphasia and right hemiparesis. Neurological examination on admission revealed drowsy state, bilateral papilledema, motor aphasia, and right hemiparesis. Computed tomography showed a subcortical

A case of lumbar metastasis of choriocarcinoma masquerading as an extraosseous extension of vertebral hemangioma.

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We report here on an uncommon case of metastatic choriocarcinoma to the lung, brain and lumbar spine. A 33-year-old woman was admitted to the pulmonary department with headache, dyspnea and hemoptysis. There was a history of cesarean section due to intrauterine fetal death at 37-weeks gestation and

Choriocarcinoma in mother and child, identified by immunoenzyme histochemistry.

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A case of metastic choriocarcinoma after term pregnancy, with tumor localization in the kidney of a hydropic stillborn infant, is presented. The primary tumor was found in a scraping four weeks after delivery. The identity and nature of the malignant growth in mother and child were substantiated by

[Choriocarcinoma: cerebral metastasis from choriocarcinoma--a successfully surgical treated case].

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A surgical case of multiple cerebral metastases from choriocarcinoma was reported, who was a 26 year-old female. She had received treatment of hydatid mole on April 1979, and admitted to our hospital for the consciousness disturbance and right hemiparesis. CT scan showed two high density tumors with

Effects of dexamethasone on tumor-induced brain edema and its distribution in the brain of monkeys.

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A human choriocarcinoma was successfully adapted to grow in the brain of monkeys (Macaca mulatta), thus providing a model of tumor-induced brain edema. Four animals were given dexamethasone (3 mg/kg/day) during 3 to 5 days after the onset of clinical signs, and the other five received no treatment

Clinicopathologic features of partial hydatidiform mole.

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Partial hydatidiform mole (PHM) is a distinct entity, a triploid, diandric conceptus the placenta of which shows focal trophoblastic hyperplasia (a sine qua non of diagnosis) and focal hydatidiform change; the fetus usually survives until eight to nine weeks' menstrual age. The clinical presentation

Hyperreactio luteinalis. Benign disorder masquerading as an ovarian neoplasm.

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Hyperreactio luteinalis (HL) refers to moderate to marked cystic enlargement of the ovaries due to multiple benign theca lutein cysts and is most often associated with hydatidiform mole or choriocarcinoma. The cause of this condition is unknown, but is believed to be related to elevated levels of,

[Evaluation of emergency surgery in gestational trophoblastic tumours].

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We retrospectively analyzed 27 cases of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia treated by emergency surgery from 1985-1996 at PUMC hospital. Seventeen cases were diagnosed of choriocarcinoma and 10 were invasive mole. Sixteen out of 27 patients were subjected to hysterectomy because of uterine

Brain metastasis: current status and recommended guidelines for management.

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An overview of brain metastasis with respect to the pathological, diagnostic, and therapeutic aspects is presented. Management is almost always palliative, with cure being a rare exception. Evaluation of various therapeutic modalities--radiation, chemotherapy, or surgery--has been confounded by a
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