Haitian Creole

cotinine/dental caries

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Serum cotinine, vitamin D exposure levels and dental caries experience in U.S. adolescents.

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Epidemiologic studies of risk and protective factors for poor oral health have mostly been among children and adults, seldom focusing on adolescents. The aims of this study were to examine whether serum cotinine, a marker of tobacco exposure, and serum vitamin D are independently

Salivary levels of antibacterial peptide (LL-37/hCAP-18) and cotinine in patients with chronic periodontitis.

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BACKGROUND The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between salivary LL-37 levels and clinical severity in patients with chronic periodontitis (CP). The presence/absence of four periodontopathic bacteria and salivary cotinine levels were also examined to assess the impact of these

Association of passive smoking with caries and related salivary biomarkers in young children.

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OBJECTIVE To investigate the association between passive smoking, as determined by salivary cotinine level, and caries, salivary pH, buffering capacity, flow rate and microbiological counts in young children. METHODS Ninety passive smokers (PS) with a mean age of 5.02 years and 90 healthy

Is low birthweight associated with dental caries in permanent dentition?

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The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis of association between low birthweight and dental caries. This study used data from the Third National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey, 1988-94 (NHANES III) including 7- to 11-year-old children with complete dental caries information (n =

Assessment of smoking status based on cotinine levels in nasal lavage fluid.

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Cotinine is a principal metabolite of nicotine with a substantially longer half-life, and cotinine levels in saliva, urine or serum are widely used to validate self-reported smoking status. The nasal cavity and olfactory system are directly exposed to tobacco smoke in smokers and in non-smokers who

The Determinants of Salivary Cotinine Concentration in Smokeless Tobacco Users.

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Smokeless tobacco products due to their high nicotine content are highly addictive and ultimately lead to an increased risk of oral cavity, laryngeal and oesophagal cancer.This research was conducted with the aim of assessing the relationship between the

[Cotinine concentration in the saliva in relation to oral hygiene procedures].

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Cotinine is a biomarker of the exposure to the tobacco smoke, nicotine metabolite with half-life in the saliva which is 17 hours. Assessment of cotinine concentration enables among others verification of the questionnaire data as well as evaluation of both smokers and non-smokers exposure to the

Association between exposure to household smoking and dental caries in preschool children: a cross-sectional study.

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We aimed to examine the association of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke with dental caries among preschool children. Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke was assessed in terms of urinary cotinine concentrations and pack-years of exposure to smoking by parents and other family

Association of pediatric dental caries with passive smoking.

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BACKGROUND Dental decay is the most common chronic disease of children and it disproportionately affects those living in poverty, but the reasons for this are not clear. Passive smoking may be a modifiable risk factor for dental caries. OBJECTIVE To examine the relationship between dental caries and

Structural Studies of Nicotinoids: Cotinine versus Nicotine.

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Nicotinoids are agonists of the acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) and play important biochemical and pharmacological roles. Herein, we report on the structure and conformation of cotinine, and compare its molecular properties with the nicotine prototype, from which it only differs in the addition of a
The purpose of this study is to assess the association of passive smoking (PS) with dental caries and salivary biomarkers among 5-10 years old children of Muradnagar, Ghaziabad.

A case-control study was conducted among 160 children of age group
Second primary tumors (SPTs) develop at an annual rate of 3-7% in patients with head and neck squamous cell cancer (HNSCC). In a previous Phase III study, we observed that high doses of 13-cis-retinoic acid reduced the SPT rate in this disease. In 1991, we launched an intergroup, placebo-controlled,

The use of digital peripheral artery tonometry to detect endothelial dysfunction in pregnant women who smoke.

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OBJECTIVE We hypothesized that, as has been shown outside of pregnancy, endothelial dysfunction would be seen in a dose-dependent fashion among women who smoke in the midtrimester of pregnancy. METHODS Endothelial function in women with singleton pregnancies between 16 and 23 weeks was analyzed

Salivary LL-37 and periodontal health in children exposed to passive smoking.

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Antimicrobial peptides play an important role in the local defence of oral cavity. Cigarette smoke has detrimental effects on immune defence mechanisms. The effect of passive smoking on salivary LL-37, as an antimicrobial peptide, in children has not yet been

Effetti delle sigarette elettroniche sulla salute: una revisione sistematica delle prove disponibili.

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In recent years there has been an enormous development in the use of electronic cigarettes (e-cig). In Italy, in the 2019, the users of e-cig are about 900.000. E-cig users tend to overlook the absolute risk of the e-cig product in favor of the relative
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