Haitian Creole


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UNASSIGNED Post-operative vomiting (POV) in children remains a significant clinical problem. This prospective study aims to investigate the applicability of well-established adult early post-operative nausea and vomiting (PONV) risk factors on paediatric POV after adenotonsillectomies under
The aim of this study was to explore the relationships between nausea and vomiting in pregnancy and (a) fetal growth restriction; and (b) maternal caffeine metabolism and fetal growth restriction. A cohort of 2,643 pregnant women, aged 18-45 years, attending two UK maternity units between 8 and 12

Symptoms of nicotine toxicity in subjects achieving high cotinine levels during nicotine replacement therapy.

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BACKGROUND Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) aids smoking reduction and cessation. Although NRT is effective and safe, some smokers may achieve high nicotine levels. The purpose of this study was to determine the incidence and severity of nicotine-related adverse events in subjects with levels of

Use of cotinine biomarker in workers to detect green tobacco sickness.

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using the urinary cotinine biomarker to verify the occurrence of green tobacco sickness in workers who cultivate Burley tobacco.paired case-control study, based on smoking status and on the 1:4 ratio, with participation of 20 case workers and 91 controls.

Assessment of nicotine inhalation exposure and urinary cotinine of tobacco processing workers.

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OBJECTIVE To study the composition of tobacco dust, atmospheric nicotine concentration, urinary cotinine excretion and the subjective symptoms of workers in dry tobacco leaf preparation. METHODS The tobacco dust in air of the breathing zone of workers and the urine samples of these workers and a

Impact of Early Nausea on Varenicline Adherence and Smoking Cessation.

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Varenicline effectiveness may be related to the level of adherence, which might be reduced by adverse effects such as nausea. The aim of the study was to test a possible effect of nausea on smoking cessation outcomes mediated by adherence.Mediation path

Caffeine intake and the risk of first-trimester spontaneous abortion.

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BACKGROUND Some epidemiologic studies have suggested that the ingestion of caffeine increases the risk of spontaneous abortion, but the results have been inconsistent. METHODS We performed a population-based, case-control study of early spontaneous abortion in Uppsala County, Sweden. The subjects

Green tobacco sickness in Poland.

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Green tobacco sickness (GTS) is an illness associated with exposure to nicotine originating directly from the growing tobacco plant. The exposure takes place in the course of activities during tobacco farming. Nausea, vomiting, headache and dizziness are the symptoms typical of GTS. The GTS cases

Rapid smoking may not be aversive in schizophrenia.

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BACKGROUND Aversive smoking has been investigated as a smoking cessation technique that involves rapid smoking in a clinic or laboratory and typically involves (a) puffing every 6-10 s or (b) smoking 3 or more cigarettes sequentially in 8-20 min. Rapid smoking usually results in dizziness, sore

Cognitive and antismoking effects of varenicline in patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder.

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OBJECTIVE Varenicline has been shown to be an effective anti-smoking treatment in smokers without identified psychiatric illness, and the drug's pharmacology suggests possibilities of pro-cognitive effects. However, recent reports suggest varenicline may have the potential for important psychiatric
During the harvest period, tobacco workers are exposed to nicotine and it is known that absorption of the alkaloid via the leaves causes green tobacco sickness (GST). We investigated if GST and its symptoms are associated with DNA damage and alterations of the redox status. DNA damage was measured

Varenicline to stop long-term nicotine replacement use: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial.

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BACKGROUND This study evaluated the effect of varenicline in combination with counseling to assist long-term nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) users to quit NRT. METHODS This was a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial of varenicline or placebo for 12 weeks, with 52-week follow-up,
BACKGROUND Ulcerative colitis is predominantly a disease of non-smokers, and transdermal nicotine is therapeutic but often results in side-effects. Administration of nicotine as a liquid rectal enema results in less systemic nicotine absorption. OBJECTIVE To determine the safety and clinical

Stopping smokeless tobacco with varenicline: randomised double blind placebo controlled trial.

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OBJECTIVE To assess the efficacy and safety of varenicline (a licensed cigarette smoking cessation aid) in helping users of smokeless tobacco to quit. METHODS Double blind, placebo controlled, parallel group, multicentre, randomised controlled trial. METHODS Medical clinics (mostly primary care) in

Prevalence and Risk Factors of Green Tobacco Sickness among Korean Tobacco Harvesters.

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OBJECTIVE This study was carried out to understand the prevalence and risk factors of green tobacco sickness (GTS) among Korean tobacco harvesters. METHODS The authors conducted a questionnaire among the tobacco harvesters (1, 064 persons from 555 out of 723 tobacco harvesting households) in
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Heillasta gagnagrunnur lækningajurtanna sem studdur er af vísindum

  • Virkar á 55 tungumálum
  • Jurtalækningar studdir af vísindum
  • Jurtaviðurkenning eftir ímynd
  • Gagnvirkt GPS kort - merktu jurtir á staðsetningu (kemur fljótlega)
  • Lestu vísindarit sem tengjast leit þinni
  • Leitaðu að lækningajurtum eftir áhrifum þeirra
  • Skipuleggðu áhugamál þitt og vertu vakandi með fréttarannsóknum, klínískum rannsóknum og einkaleyfum

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