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Three cryptochromes are rhythmically expressed in Xenopus laevis retinal photoreceptors.

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OBJECTIVE To clone Xenopus laevis cryptochromes (crys) and to understand their role in the Xenopus retinal clock. METHODS We designed degenerate PCR primers based on homology between mouse and human crys. DNA fragments generated from these PCR reactions were used to screen a Xenopus retinal cDNA

Molecular cloning and characterization of three cryptochrome genes from the fern Asplenium yunnanense.

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Cryptochromes are blue light sensing photoreceptors involved in regulating various growth and developmental responses in plants. Using degenerate PCR, genome-walking and RT-PCR approaches, three full-length genomic sequences of cryptochrome genes (CRY1, 2 and 4) were isolated from the fern Asplenium

Functional redundancy of cryptochromes and classical photoreceptors for nonvisual ocular photoreception in mice.

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The daily light-dark (LD) cycle exerts a powerful influence on the temporal organization of behavior and physiology. Much of this influence is preserved in behaviorally blind retinally degenerate mice; the photoreceptors underlying this nonvisual phototransduction are unknown. The mammalian eye

Pleiotropic effects of cryptochromes 1 and 2 on free-running and light-entrained murine circadian rhythms.

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Cryptochromes function in both light entrainment of circadian rhythms and in a peripheral circadian clock mechanism in Drosophila. Mice have two closely related cryptochrome genes (mCry1 and mCry2). To further understand the roles of mammalian cryptochromes, we bred mice to carry all possible

Cryptochromes and inner retinal non-visual irradiance detection.

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Nearly all circadian clocks have free-running periods that differ significantly from 24 hours. To maintain synchrony with the 24 h day, the mammalian circadian clock is reset by light. Unlike other animals, mammalian circadian entrainment occurs exclusively via the eyes and optic nerves. Remarkably,

Composition and phylogenetic analysis of wheat cryptochrome gene family.

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Cryptochrome (CRY) gene family encodes photoreceptors mediating developmental responses to blue light throughout the life of plants. We report here the characterization of CRY gene family in hexaploid wheat. Degenerate PCR amplification of the regions encoding the conserved flavin-binding domain of

Hypothesis on the Role of Cryptochromes in Inflammation and Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Outcome.

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We have recently found that the temperature variability (TV) in the day-night cycle may predict the mean intracranial pressure in the following 24 h (ICP24) in subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) patients under multimodality monitoring, sedation, and hypothermia (<35°C). Specifically, we found that ICP24

Photoentrainment in mammals: a role for cryptochrome?

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There is growing evidence in support of the hypothesis that, in mammals, photoreceptive tasks are segregated into those associated with creating a detailed visual image of the environment and those involved in the photic regulation of temporal biology. The hypothesis that this segregation extends to

Fly cryptochrome and the visual system.

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Cryptochromes are flavoproteins, structurally and evolutionarily related to photolyases, that are involved in the development, magnetoreception, and temporal organization of a variety of organisms. Drosophila CRYPTOCHROME (dCRY) is involved in light synchronization of the master circadian clock, and

PP7 is a positive regulator of blue light signaling in Arabidopsis.

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The cryptochrome blue light photoreceptors mediate various photomorphogenic responses in plants, including hypocotyl elongation, cotyledon expansion, and control of flowering time. The molecular mechanism of cryptochrome function in Arabidopsis is becoming increasingly clear, with recent studies

Effect of circadian clock gene mutations on nonvisual photoreception in the mouse.

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OBJECTIVE Mice lacking rods and cones retain pupillary light reflexes that are mediated by intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs). Melanopsin is necessary and sufficient for this nonvisual photoreception. The mammalian inner retina also expresses the potential blue light

Cloning and expression of cryptochrome2 in the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana).

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Cryptochromes (CRYs) are non-opsin photoactive pigments that have recently been implicated in circadian photo-entrainment in humans, mice and Drosophila. In order to study the mechanism of circadian rhythm in amphibians, we have cloned and characterized a Rana cryptochrome in the bullfrog. We

Making (a) sense of non-visual ocular photoreception.

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A subset of intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells transduce information about ambient lighting conditions to areas of the brain involved in tasks including entrainment of the circadian clock, pupillary light reflexes and melatonin synthesis. The phototransduction system(s) utilized by

Circadian organization of the mammalian retina.

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The mammalian retina contains an endogenous circadian pacemaker that broadly regulates retinal physiology and function, yet the cellular origin and organization of the mammalian retinal circadian clock remains unclear. Circadian clock neurons generate daily rhythms via cell-autonomous autoregulatory

The GSK-3β-FBXL21 Axis Contributes to Circadian TCAP Degradation and Skeletal Muscle Function

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FBXL21 is a clock-controlled E3 ligase modulating circadian periodicity via subcellular-specific CRYPTOCHROME degradation. How FBXL21 regulates tissue-specific circadian physiology and what mechanism operates upstream is poorly understood. Here we report the sarcomere component TCAP as a cytoplasmic
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