Haitian Creole


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Mechanistic understanding of β-cryptoxanthin and lycopene in cancer prevention in animal models.

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To better understand the potential function of carotenoids in the chemoprevention of cancers, mechanistic understanding of carotenoid action on genetic and epigenetic signaling pathways is critically needed for human studies. The use of appropriate animal models is the most justifiable approach to

Prediagnostic levels of serum beta-cryptoxanthin and retinol predict smoking-related lung cancer risk in Shanghai, China.

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Higher blood levels of beta-carotene have been found to be associated with reduced risk of lung cancer, but large intervention trials have failed to demonstrate reduced lung cancer incidence after prolonged high-dose beta-carotene supplementation. Data on blood levels of specific carotenoids other
Diet may be a modifier of smoking-related cancer risk, with protective effects of intake of fruits and vegetables and associated antioxidants found in many observational studies. We previously reported serum beta-cryptoxanthin levels being inversely associated with smoking-related lung cancer

Cancer chemoprevention by citrus pulp and juices containing high amounts of β-cryptoxanthin and hesperidin.

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β-Cryptoxanthin, a carotenoid, and hesperidin, a flavonoid, possess inhibitory effects on carcinogenesis in several tissues. We recently have prepared a pulp (CHRP) and citrus juices (MJ2 and MJ5) from a satsuma mandarin (Citrus unshiu Mar.) juice (MJ). They contain high amounts of β-cryptoxanthin
Recent findings of an inverse association between beta-cryptoxanthin and lung cancer risk in several observational epidemiologic studies suggest that beta-cryptoxanthin could potentially act as a chemopreventive agent against lung cancer. However, the biological activity of beta-cryptoxanthin and

Dietary cryptoxanthin and reduced risk of lung cancer: the Singapore Chinese Health Study.

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High prediagnostic serum beta-cryptoxanthin levels have been found to be associated with reduced risk of lung cancer in a recent cohort study of Chinese men in Shanghai, China. Data on dietary beta-cryptoxanthin, and other specific carotenoids and antioxidants in relation to lung cancer,
BACKGROUND The acquired resistance to chemotherapy represents the major limitation in the treatment of cancer. New strategies to solve this failure and improve patients' outcomes are necessary. The cancer preventive effect of β-cryptoxanthin has been widely described in population studies. Few
Despite the consistent association between a higher intake of the provitamin A carotenoid β-cryptoxanthin (BCX) and a lower risk of lung cancer among smokers, potential mechanisms supporting BCX as a chemopreventive agent are needed. We first examined the effects of BCX on 4-[methyl

β-Cryptoxanthin induced anti-proliferation and apoptosis by G0/G1 arrest and AMPK signal inactivation in gastric cancer.

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β-Cryptoxanthin has been associated with reduced-risk of some cancers. However, the mechanisms of β-cryptoxanthin still remain unclearly understood in gastric cancer (GC). In this study, we examined the effect of β-cryptoxanthin on AMPK signal in human gastric cancer cells. AGS and SGC-7901 cells

Liarozole amplifies retinoid-induced apoptosis in human prostate cancer cells.

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Beta-carotene, canthaxanthin and retinoic acid (RA) inhibited growth of human DU145 prostate cancer cells by 45, 56 and 18%, respectively. Lycopene was also found to inhibit cell growth. Other carotenoids including xanthophyll (lutein), cryptoxanthin and zeaxanthin were less effective. Liarozole (a

Serum antioxidants and subsequent mortality rates of all causes or cancer among rural Japanese inhabitants.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate whether a relationship exists between mortality rates and serum antioxidant levels among Japanese inhabitants. The follow-up subjects, who participated in comprehensive health examinations, consisted of 2444 inhabitants (949 males and 1495 females) of a

Inhibitory effect of beta-cryptoxanthin on osteoclast-like cell formation in mouse marrow cultures.

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The carotenoid beta-cryptoxanthin has been shown to have an inhibitory effect on bone-resorping factor-stimulated bone resorption in rat bone tissues in vitro. The effect of beta-cryptoxanthin on osteoclast-like cell formation in mouse marrow culture in vitro was investigated. The bone marrow cells

Intake of specific carotenoids and lung cancer risk.

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Using newly available food composition data for carotenoids, the authors reanalyzed a population-based case-control study of diet and lung cancer conducted in Hawaii in 1983-1985 (L. Le Marchand et al., J. Natl. Cancer Inst., 81: 1158-1164, 1989). The analysis included interviews with 230 men and

Dietary carotenoids, vegetables, and lung cancer risk in women: the Missouri women's health study (United States).

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OBJECTIVE To examine the effect of specific dietary carotenoids and their primary plant food sources on lung cancer risk in a population-based case-control study of women. METHODS Data were available for 587 incident primary lung cancer cases and 624 controls frequency matched to cases based on age.

Smoking attenuates the negative association between carotenoids consumption and colorectal cancer risk.

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OBJECTIVE Consumption of vegetables and fruits, physical activity, obesity and caloric intake are all strongly related to the risk of colorectal cancer (CRC). The association between dietary intake of carotenoids from vegetables/fruits and risk of CRC in the context of cigarette smoking was studied
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