Haitian Creole

dermoid cyst/offita

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14 niðurstöður

Giant ovarian dermoid masked by obesity.

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A 37-year-old female, weighing 194.1 kg, is described. Her gross obesity was in part due to a massive ovarian dermoid cyst weighing at least 42 kg, which had been overlooked in the past. A dermoid tumour of this size has not previously been reported. The possible presence of cystic ovarian tumours

Laparoscopic extracorporeal oophorectomy and ovarian cystectomy in second trimester pregnant obese patients.

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OBJECTIVE To determine whether a modified technique for laparoscopic extracorporal oophorectomy is less complicated and safer than traditional laparoscopic oophorectomy. METHODS Four obese patients in their second trimester underwent open laparoscopy for treatment of large ovarian cysts. A Cook

[Is preventive epilation following sacral dermoid operation useful or ineffective?].

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Following operation for pilonidal sinus, 79 patients were followed up for 1-10 years. The ratio male/female was 6 to 1. The majority of the patients had overweight. After primary closure of the wound, 62% healed without and 38% with infection. There were 15 recurrencies (19%) noted in this series.

Expanding the phenotype of 22q11 deletion syndrome: the MURCS association.

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The MURCS association [Müllerian Duct aplasia or hypoplasia (M), unilateral renal agenesis (UR) and cervicothoracic somite dysplasia (CS)] manifests itself as Müllerian Duct aplasia or hypoplasia, unilateral renal agenesis and cervicothoracic somite dysplasia. We report on a 22-year-old woman with

Virilizing mature ovarian cystic teratomas.

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Three further cases of mature benign cystic teratomas of the ovary associated with virilization are added to the three previously reported in the literature. They were found in postmenopausal, obese, diabetic women aged 52, 61, and 67 years. The patients presented with hirsutism and voice changes

Evaluation of diagnostic ultrasound in gynecology.

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The experience with 300 consecutive gynecologic patients undergoing diagnostic ultrasound has been evaluated. Follow-up was obtained by recording the clinical course and/or the operative findings. The ultrasound studies were diagnostic in 21 per cent, confirmatory in 74 per cent, and misleading in 5

Patient selection and surgical results in obstructive sleep apnea.

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In recent years, therapeutic methods have been effective in the management of snoring and sleep apnea. Successful results have been possible through conservative and surgical approaches when the nature and site of obstruction is ascertained by careful investigation. Sagittal magnetic resonance

Multimedia article. Laparoscopic ultralow anterior resection with colonic J-pouch-anal anastomosis.

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OBJECTIVE Optimal treatment of mid to distal rectal cancers includes total mesorectal excision for oncologic clearance and, where reanastomosis is feasible, a colonic J-pouch-anal anastomosis improves bowel function. There is recent interest in performing an ultralow anterior resection

Limb contouring after massive weight loss: functional rather than aesthetic improvement.

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BACKGROUND After massive weight loss, both upper and lower limbs show a similar deformity which consists of redundancy and ptosis of the cutaneous mantle. Many disturbances are associated with this abnormality, which can be treated surgically. A retrospective review of limb-contouring procedures

Transvaginal sonography: comparison with transabdominal sonography in the diagnosis of pelvic masses.

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In a retrospective study, we compared transvaginal sonograms with transabdominal sonograms in 67 women referred for evaluation of palpable pelvic masses. The diagnoses included ovarian cyst (27), endometrioma (12), complex cyst (four), dermoid (three), infection (three), ovarian malignancy (two),

Selective incorporation of total laparoscopic hysterectomy for adnexal pathology and body mass index.

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OBJECTIVE We studied patients undergoing adnexectomy with total laparoscopic hysterectomy (TLH) for ovarian pathology, over a 6-year period. METHODS Chart abstraction, analyzed by ANOVA, Fisher's Exact Test with significance at P < 0.05, stratifying by body mass index (BMI, kg/m(2): ideal < 25;

Ovarian teratomas in a patient with Bardet-Biedl syndrome, a rare association.

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Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS) represents a rare ciliopathy recessive autosomal inherited. The main clinical features are retinal dystrophy, postaxial polydactyly, obesity, different degrees of cognitive deficit, renal impairment, hypogonadism and genital malformations. The genetic explanation consists

[The diagnosis of pilomatrixoma in children is not as easy as it may seem. A review of 126 cases].

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OBJECTIVE To describe our experience with pilomatrixomas, clinical presentation, clinical accuracy, associated diseases, and surgical treatment. METHODS A retrospective review of patients with a pathology report of an excised pilomatrixoma between 2011 and 2014. Data regarding gender, age of

Leak-proof extracorporeal drainage for management of large ovarian tumors.

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OBJECTIVE To describe our experience with leak-proof extracorporeal drainage through a minilaparotomy for management of large ovarian tumors. METHODS Twenty patients who had presumed benign ovarian tumors larger than 10 cm were selected to undergo this technique. A 4 cm skin incision was made
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