Haitian Creole

ephedra glauca/krabbamein

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Herbal remedies use by breast cancer patients in the West Bank of Palestine.

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BACKGROUND Recent ethnopharmacological surveys showed that herbal remedies are the most preferred modality of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). In Palestine as in many other countries, herbal remedies are widely used in the treatment of many diseases. OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was
COMMENTS FOR PROFESSOR BARRIE R. CASSILETH: I have enjoyed reading the two issues of The Oncologist I've received so far. I would like to make some comments on Dr. Cassileth's article. I'm a pediatric oncologist at the National University Hospital in Singapore. Singapore is an interesting place to

Exploring an herbal "wonder cure" for cancer: a multidisciplinary approach.

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OBJECTIVE The unmonitored use of herbal medicinal remedies by patients with cancer presents a significant challenge to oncology healthcare professionals. We describe an increasingly popular herbal "wonder drug," Ephedra foeminea (Alanda in Arabic), whose use has spread from the Palestinian patient
Despite major advances in the last 10 years, whether in terms of prevention or treatment, the 5 year survival rate remains relatively low for a large number of cancers. These therapeutic failures can be the consequence of several factors associated with the cellular modifications or with the host by
BACKGROUND Plants have been the primary source of medicines since life on earth; more than 50 % of existing cancer treatments are derived from plants. METHODS An ethnopharmacological survey of herbal remedies used in cancer treatment was carried out in the West Bank/ Palestine. A questionnaire was
BACKGROUND The use of CAM including herbal medicine as the most preferred CAM modality, among cancer patients who are taking prescription medications has shown to be highly prevalent worldwide as well as in several Middle Eastern countries, with a high percentage of the patients do not disclose

Use of complementary and alternative medicine in cancer: A Tunisian single-center experience.

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We aimed to explore the use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) and to identify their side effects, when used in cancer patients. We also assessed the communication of the patients and families with the oncologist about this issue.A

Ethnopharmacological Survey of Herbal Remedies Used for the Treatment of Cancer in the Greater Casablanca-Morocco.

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Medicinal plants played an important role in traditional medicine for the treatment of diseases since antiquities. The aim of the study is to carry out an ethnobotanical survey on medicinal plants used traditionally in cancer treatment in the region of Greater Casablanca-Morocco, and to enhance the
Ephedra alata Decne. belongs to the Ephedraceae family. It is a species of Ephedra that grows mostly in the desert. Today, the main importance of Ephedra species in the medical field is due to the presence of the alkaloids derived from phenyl-alanine, which act on the

Safety of herbal medicine use during chemotherapy in patients with ovarian cancer: a "bedside-to-bench" approach.

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In this study, we explored herbal supplements used by patients during chemotherapy and test for herb-drug interactions and response of cancer cells to treatment. Patients with gynecological cancer referred to a complementary and integrative medicine (CIM) service were asked about their use of herbal

Beneficial effect of dietary Ephedra sinica on obesity and glucose intolerance in high-fat diet-fed mice.

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Obesity is a major contributor to both glucose intolerance and metabolic syndrome. In this study, we investigated the anti-obesity and anti-hyperglycemic effects of Ephedra sinica on high-fat diet-fed mice. Male ICR mice were divided into four groups; the normal group, the obese and diabetic control
BACKGROUND 2,3,5,6-Tetramethylpyrazine (TMP) is known as a composition of Ephedra sinica and it has been used in the treatment of several disorders such as asthma, heart failure, rhinitis, and urinary incontinence. It has been reported that TMP inhibits melanoma metastasis and suppression

Isolation of lignans and biological activity studies of Ephedra viridis.

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Phytochemical investigation of Ephedra viridis (whole plant) led to the isolation of four lignans including (+)-9-acetoxyisolariciresinol, which is a new lignan, lariciresinol, 9-acetoxylariciresinol and isolariciresinol. All the isolates were tested for their antioxidant activity and cytotoxicity
Anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic effects of water distillates of Ephedra sinica STAPF (ES), in herb-acupuncture, on the inflammatory responses of arthritis was investigated using phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA)/lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced human macrophage and adjuvant-induced

Antiviral effects of Ma Huang Tang against H1N1 influenza virus infection in vitro and in an ICR pneumonia mouse model.

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Ma Huang Tang (MHT), a classical Chinese herbal decoction which has been used in clinic for thousands of years, was very effective in treating the upper respiratory tract infection. But its activity against influenza virus A, the anti-inflammatory effect and the underlying mechanisms have been
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