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exocrine pancreatic insufficiency/nikótín

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15 niðurstöður

Pancreatic Insufficiency Secondary to Tobacco Exposure: A Controlled Cross-Sectional Evaluation.

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Tobacco exposure is an established risk factor for pancreatic cancer and chronic pancreatitis; however, its role in pancreatic insufficiency is not clear. This controlled, cross-sectional study examined smokers and nonsmokers with no history of pancreatic disease. Histories and validated inventories

Visceral organ involvement is infrequent in oral submucous fibrosis (OSF).

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Associated visceral organ involvement evidence by systemic fibrosis has not been explored in oral submucous fibrosis (OSF). The investigations in this aspect were limited to loco-regional sites of naso/oropharynx and oesophagus. The study of whether the oral fibrosis is part of a systemic spectrum

Pancreatic exocrine insufficiency: diagnostic evaluation and replacement therapy with pancreatic enzymes.

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In chronic pancreatitis over a course of years to decades, pancreatic parenchyma is gradually lost and pain is gradually decreasing as signs and symptoms of malabsorption appear. Appearance of calcifications is a late sign and in many cases coincides with appearance of steatorrhea. Decreasing output

Cystic fibrosis in Canadian Hutterites.

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The Hutterite Brethren are a communal group of Anabaptists who live in the Western regions of North America, predominantly in the Western Canadian provinces. Due to a founder effect, Hutterites have a high rate of cystic fibrosis (CF) with genotypes limited to only two CFTR mutations.

The Management of Chronic Pancreatitis.

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Chronic pancreatitis (CP) may remain undiagnosed for years until patients exhibit manifestations, such as pain and exocrine or endocrine insufficiency. Some patients with CP develop serious complications, such as malignancy or peripancreatic fluid collections. Considering CP in at-risk patients such

[Latest advances in chronic pancreatitis].

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This article summarizes some of the recent and clinically relevant advances in chronic pancreatitis. These advances mainly concern knowledge of the etiopathogenesis of the disease, the pharmacological treatment of pain, and knowledge of the natural history of autoimmune pancreatitis. New evidence

[Secondary diabetes in chronic pancreatitis].

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In the majority of patients suffering from chronic pancreatitis an endocrine pancreatic insufficiency is correlated with exocrine dysfunction. The prevalence of impaired or diabetic glucose tolerance is 40-70%, half of these patients suffer from an insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. In general the
Chronic pancreatitis patients have an increased risk of developing pancreatic cancer. The cause of this increase has yet to be fully explained but smoking and inflammation may play an important role. To these, we must now add a new potential risk factor, namely duodenal acidity. Patients with

Zinc deficiency in patients with chronic pancreatitis.

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Zinc is a key element in numerous proteins and plays an important role in essential cell functions such as defense against free radicals and DNA damage repair. Chronic pancreatitis (CP) is a chronic inflammation with progressive fibrosis of pancreas ultimately resulting in pancreatic

Pharmacological challenges in chronic pancreatitis.

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Drug absorption in patients with chronic pancreatitis might be affected by the pathophysiology of the disease. The exocrine pancreatic insufficiency is associated with changes in gastrointestinal intraluminal pH, motility disorder, bacterial overgrowth and changed pancreatic gland secretion.

Chronic Pancreatitis: Pediatric and Adult Cohorts Show Similarities in Disease Progress Despite Different Risk Factors.

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The aim of the present study was to investigate the natural history of chronic pancreatitis (CP); patients in the North American Pancreatitis Study2 (NAPS2, adults) and INternational Study group of Pediatric Pancreatitis: In search for a cuRE (INSPPIRE, pediatric) were

A Spanish multicenter study to estimate the prevalence and incidence of chronic pancreatitis and its complications.

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OBJECTIVE No nation-wide epidemiological study on the incidence and prevalence of chronic pancreatitis (CP) had been thus far carried out in Spain. Our goal is to estimate the prevalence and incidence of CP, as well as to determine the diagnostic and therapeutic criteria used in Spanish pancreas

ACG Clinical Guideline: Chronic Pancreatitis.

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Chronic pancreatitis (CP) is historically defined as an irreversible inflammatory condition of the pancreas leading to varying degrees of exocrine and endocrine dysfunction. Recently however, the paradigm for the diagnosis has changed in that it breaks with the traditional clinicopathologic-based

The Scandinavian baltic pancreatic club (SBPC) database: design, rationale and characterisation of the study cohort.

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OBJECTIVE Chronic pancreatitis (CP) is a multifaceted disease associated with several risk factors and a complex clinical presentation. We established the Scandinavian Baltic Pancreatic Club (SBPC) Database to characterise and study the natural history of CP in a Northern European cohort. Here, we

Long-Term Endocrine and Exocrine Insufficiency After Pancreatectomy.

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To identify peri-operative risk factors and time to onset of pancreatic endocrine/exocrine insufficiency.We retrospectively analyzed a single institutional series of patients who underwent pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD) or distal pancreatectomy (DP) between
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