Haitian Creole

gestational weight gain/bjúgur

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Gestational Weight Gain and Severe Maternal Morbidity at Delivery Hospitalization.

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To examine whether women who varied from recommended gestational weight gain guidelines by the Institute of Medicine (IOM, now known as the National Academy of Medicine) were at increased risk of severe maternal morbidity during delivery hospitalization compared with those whose weight

Gestational Weight Gain and Peripartum Cardiomyopathy in a Twin Pregnancy.

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Preeclamptic twin pregnancy with larger gestational weight gain (GWG) is suggested to have a higher risk of peripartum cardiomyopathy (PPCM). This was true in a 5-year experience at a single center. A primiparous woman with twins and prepregnancy weight of 51.0 kg exhibited hypertension at

Evaluation of teratogenic potential of cyfluthrin, a synthetic pyrethroid in Swiss albino mice.

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A toxicity study was planned to assess the teratogenic potential of cyfluthrin that is widely used as a household insecticide to control mosquitoes, flies and cockroaches. Pregnant Swiss albino mice of one group were orally administered two doses of the pesticide (16 mg/kg and 32 mg/kg body weight)

Maternal blood pressure and fetal growth.

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Eleven thousand eighty-two term, singleton pregnancies were analyzed for clues to how different levels of maternal blood pressure affect fetal growth. Birth weights progressively increased with increasing pressures until the hypertensive range was reached when maternal edema and proteinuria were

Comparison of fetotoxic effects of a dermally applied complex organic mixture in rats and mice.

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A high-boiling (288-454 degrees C), coal-derived complex organic mixture (COM) has been shown to be teratogenic in rats following inhalation and oral routes of exposure. To determine whether similar changes also occur after dermal exposure to this COM, pregnant rats and mice were exposed during

Perinatal toxicity of ethylene glycol dimethyl ether in the rat.

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Ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGdiME) was administered by gavage to pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats in doses of 30, 60, 120, 250, 500, and 1000 mg/kg/day from day 8 through day 18 of gestation. The effects of the compound on maternal weight gain, length of gestation, perinatal mortality,

Nutrition and hydration: relationship to preterm myometrial contractility.

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Although the mechanisms responsible for the onset of preterm labor in human pregnancy are unclear, animal studies have demonstrated that decreased nutrient intake is associated with increased uterine prostaglandin F metabolite production and spontaneous uterine contractions. The purpose of this

Dose-dependent consequences of cocaine on pregnancy outcome in the Long-Evans rat.

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The number of obstetric patients abusing cocaine has increased dramatically in recent years. To better understand its effect on pregnancy and to establish the LD50s for maternal and fetal fatalities, the dose-dependent effects of cocaine on pregnancy outcome were investigated in the Long-Evans rat.
Pregnant rats received either 20, 30, 40, or 50 mg/kg cocaine HCl (SC) twice daily from gestation days 7 through 19. Pair-fed and untreated control groups and a group receiving 3.0 g/kg alcohol (PO) twice daily served as comparison groups. Females were sacrificed on gestation day 20 and the fetuses

Exposure to perfluorooctane sulfonate during pregnancy in rat and mouse. I: maternal and prenatal evaluations.

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The maternal and developmental toxicities of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS, C8F17SO3-) were evaluated in the rat and mouse. PFOS is an environmentally persistent compound used as a surfactant and occurs as a degradation product of both perfluorooctane sulfonyl fluoride and substituted

Effect of Rhazya stricta on the developing rat fetus.

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Rhazya stricta is a medicinal plant traditionally used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, inflammation, and helminthiasis. Our objective was to determine if the plant extract has any effect on fetal development in the rat. A lyophilized extract of the plant was administered daily on three

Teratogenicity of tellurium dioxide: prenatal assessment.

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The effects of multiple maternal subcutaneous injections of tellurium dioxide (TeO2) suspended in olive oil (0-1,000 mumol/kg) from day 15 to day 19 of gestation were evaluated in the Wistar rat. External and internal soft-tissue examinations were performed on day 20 fetuses. Multiple maternal

Maternal toxicity and teratogenicity of tellurium dioxide in the Wistar rat: relationship to pair-feeding.

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Tellurium dioxide (TeO2) induces hydrocephalus, edema, exophthalmia, ocular hemorrhage, umbilical hernia, undescended testes and small kidneys in day 20 Wistar rat fetuses when administered s.c. to pregnant dams from gestational day 15 to 19. At doses of 500 mumole/kg or greater, a 100% incidence of

Effects of prenatal cocaine on hearing, vision, growth, and behavior.

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The illicit use of cocaine has increased dramatically over the last 10-12 years. There has been a corresponding increase in cocaine abuse among obstetric patients and in the number of "cocaine babies." According to some estimates, these children make up more than half of the drug-associated births.

Effects of Prenatal Cocaine on Hearing, Vision, Growth, and Behaviora.

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The illicit use of cocaine has increased dramatically over the last 10-12 years. There has been a corresponding increase in cocaine abuse among obstetric patients and in the number of "cocaine babies." According to some estimates, these children make up more than half of the drug-associated births.
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