Haitian Creole


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Our great forgotten, chronic respiratory sufferers

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Lung’s own properties make that nutritional support, besides covering the requirements can modulate its infl ammatory response. Lung tissue has a low glucose stock. Fatty acids are the main energy producer of type II pneumocytes, which use them in order to form phospholipids, essential for

Immune response, oxidative stress and dietary antioxidants in great tit nestlings.

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The activation of immune defences counteracts pathogens, but mounting an immune response is costly and can negatively impact life-history traits. Immune activation releases highly reactive species that kill pathogens but can also cause oxidative damage to host tissues, and these negative effects may

How did life survive Earth's great oxygenation?

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Life on Earth originated and evolved in anoxic environments. Around 2.4 billion-years-ago, ancestors of Cyanobacteria invented oxygenic photosynthesis, producing substantial amounts of O2 as a byproduct of phototrophic water oxidation. The sudden appearance of O2 would have led to significant

The "great" controlling nucleotide coenzymes.

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Nucleotide coenzymes dot the map of metabolic pathways providing energy to drive the reactions of the pathway and play an important role in regulating and controlling energy metabolism through their shared potential energy, which is widely unobserved due to the paradox that the energy in the

Aromatic constituents of Cymbidium Great Flower Marie Laurencin and their antioxidative activity.

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Two novel aromatic glucosides, named marylaurecinosides B (1) and C (2), were isolated from Cymbidium Great Flower Marie Laurencin, together with six known aromatic compounds (3-8). These structures were determined on the basis of NMR experiments as well as chemical evidence. All of the isolated

Chasing great paths of Helmut Sies "Oxidative Stress".

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Prof. Dr. Helmut Sies is a pioneer of "Oxidative Stress", and has published over 18 papers with the name of "Oxidative Stress" in the title. He has been Editor-in-Chief of the journal "Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics" for many years, and is a former Editor-in-Chief of the journal "Free

Great differences in antioxidant properties exist between 56 apple cultivars and vegetation seasons.

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The contents of ascorbate, thiols, and phenolic compounds and antioxidative enzyme activity were measured in the apple peel of 56 genotypes after harvest in two vegetation seasons, 2003 and 2004. The main reason of great interest in these bioactive compounds is their well-established physiological

Antioxidants in eggs of great tits Parus major from Chernobyl and hatching success.

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Antioxidants are powerful protectors against the damaging effects of free radicals that constitute the inevitable by-products of aerobic metabolism. Growing embryos are particularly susceptible to the damaging effects of free radicals produced during rapid growth, and mothers of many species provide

Yolk carotenoids increase fledging success in great tit nestlings.

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Avian mothers can influence offspring phenotype through the deposition of different compounds into eggs, such as antibodies, hormones and antioxidants. The concentration of carotenoids in yolk is larger than in maternal plasma, suggesting an important role of these compounds for offspring

Immune activation reduces sperm quality in the great tit.

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Mounting an immune response against pathogens incurs costs to organisms by its effects on important life-history traits, such as reproductive investment and survival. As shown recently, immune activation produces large amounts of reactive species and is suggested to induce oxidative stress. Sperm

Sunscreens, oxidative stress and antioxidant functions in marine organisms of the Great Barrier Reef.

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An overview of the biochemical photophysiology of tropical, reef-building corals is presented with a discussion on the biosynthetic relationship between natural UV-absorbing sunscreens and certain antioxidant functions in marine organisms. Our studies reveal that marine organisms, including

Antioxidant defence barrier of great tit Parus major nestlings in response to trace elements.

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Metals can have direct and indirect effects on the generation of reactive oxygen species in wild birds. The aim of this work has been to examine the effect of exposure to trace metals (copper Cu, iron Fe, cobalt Co, manganese Mn) on oxidative stress biomarkers such as lipoperoxidation TBARS and

Reevaluation of antithrombotic fruits and vegetables: great variation between varieties.

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In the quest for prevention of atherothrombotic diseases, an antithrombotic diet may offer a promising approach. The major stumbling block in finding an effective diet is the lack of pathophysiological relevant techniques to detect potential antithrombotic effects of various diet components.

Bama miniature pigs' liver possess great heat tolerance through upregulation of Nrf2-mediated antioxidative enzymes.

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The liver is one of the most crucial organs affected by high ambient temperature. Bama miniature pig show a heat tolerance in hot summer months. However, the physiological condition of liver under high ambient temperature has not been well elucidated in Bama miniature pig. Here we performed an

Anti-inflammatory agents and antioxidants as a possible "third great wave" in cardiovascular secondary prevention.

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There are 3 important factors that predispose patients to plaque rupture or recurrent events: plaque burden or multiple arterial plaques, the presence of persistent hyperreactive platelets, and ongoing vascular arterial inflammation. Successful therapeutic strategies focus on these predisposing
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Heillasta gagnagrunnur lækningajurtanna sem studdur er af vísindum

  • Virkar á 55 tungumálum
  • Jurtalækningar studdir af vísindum
  • Jurtaviðurkenning eftir ímynd
  • Gagnvirkt GPS kort - merktu jurtir á staðsetningu (kemur fljótlega)
  • Lestu vísindarit sem tengjast leit þinni
  • Leitaðu að lækningajurtum eftir áhrifum þeirra
  • Skipuleggðu áhugamál þitt og vertu vakandi með fréttarannsóknum, klínískum rannsóknum og einkaleyfum

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* Allar upplýsingar eru byggðar á birtum vísindarannsóknum

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