Haitian Creole


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Facilitating Antibacterial Drug Development in a Time of Great Need.

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The continued development of new antibacterial drugs is critical to meet patient and public health needs. In this editorial, authors from the US Food and Drug Administration and European Medicines Agency reflect on the role of public-private partnerships and the development of clinical trials

The Bacteriostatic and Bactericidal Action of Great Salt Lake Water.

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Ernst Chain: a great man of science.

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This paper is a tribute to the scientific accomplishments of Ernst Chain and the influence he exerted over the fields of industrial microbiology and biotechnology. Chain is the father of the modern antibiotic era and all the benefits that these therapeutic agents have brought, i.e., longer life

L-cysteine modified ZnO: Small change while great progress.

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ZnO as an important nanomaterial have been widely used in biomedical fields, however, ZnO has noticeable damage to the organs such as lung and liver, from the long run, its biosafety still needs improvements. In this work, we proposed a simple method to modify the surface of ZnO with l-cysteine. The

Great horsetail (Equisetum telmateia Ehrh.): Active substances content and biological effects.

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This paper deals with the antioxidant and antimicrobial activity, total phenolic content and concentrations of flavonoids of Equisetum telmateia extracts. Total phenolic content was determined with Folin-Ciocalteu reagent and it ranged between 129.0 to 262.7 mg GA/g. The concentration of flavonoids

Phenanthrene derivatives from Cymbidium Great Flower Marie Laurencin and their biological activities.

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A new phenanthrendione, ephemeranthoquinone B (1), two phenanthrenes, marylaurencinols A (2) and B (3), and a phenanthrene glucoside, marylaurencinoside A (4), were isolated from the roots of Cymbidium Great Flower Marie Laurencin, along with six known phenanthrenes, 5-10. The structures of these

Potentially human-virulent Vibrio vulnificus isolates from diseased great pompano (Trachinotus goodei).

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Vibrio vulnificus is an opportunistic human pathogen responsible for the majority of seafood-associated deaths worldwide and is also a relevant fish pathogen for the aquaculture industry. In addition to infections in aquatic livestock, V. vulnificus also represents a risk to aquarium animals. For

Bedaquiline for the treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis: great promise or disappointment?

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Acquired drug resistance by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) may result in treatment failure and death. Bedaquiline was recently approved for the treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB). This report examines the available data on this novel drug for the treatment of MDR-TB. PubMed

[Environment microbiological control in a department with patients at great risk (author's transl)].

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Microbic flora has been studied in the Centro di Rianimazione of the Ospedali Riuniti in Chieti to control validity of the antibacterial systems and to verify efficacy of the filter systems that allow the admission into the isolation boxes, stopping great bacterial exogenous increases. These

Laser-structured spike surface shows great bone integrative properties despite infection in vivo.

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Implant associated infections can result in devastating consequences for patients. One major cause is the formation of bacterial biofilms, which result in increased resistance against antimicrobial therapeutics. A reduction of implant associated infections can be achieved by functionalization of

Tunicate-associated bacteria show a great potential for the discovery of antimicrobial compounds.

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Tunicates (Ascidians, sea squirts) are marine protochordates, which live sedentary or sessile in colonial or solitary forms. These invertebrates have to protect themselves against predators and invaders. A most successful strategy, to not being eaten by predators and prevent pathogenic

Lysozyme: An Antibacterial Body present in Great Concentration in Tears, and its Relation to Infection of the Human Eye.

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Molecular cloning and functional analysis of TRAF6 from Yangzhou great white goose Anser anser.

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TNF receptor-associated factor 6 (TRAF6) is an adaptor protein and an E3 ubiquitin ligase mediating multiple cell signaling pathway activation in a context-dependent manner. TRAF6 plays critical roles in innate immune response and regulates function of antigen-presenting cells. Here, we cloned the

The Great ESKAPE: Exploring the Crossroads of Bile and Antibiotic Resistance in Bacterial Pathogens

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Throughout the course of infection, many pathogens encounter bactericidal conditions that threaten the viability of the bacteria and impede the establishment of infection. Bile is one of the most innately bactericidal compounds present in humans, functioning to reduce the bacterial burden in the
The skin mucus of the great sculpin Myoxocephalus polyacanthocephalus showed both antibacterial and L-amino acid oxidase (LAO) activities. Antibacterial LAOs were purified from the skin mucus of the M. polyacanthocephalus by column chromatography and named MPLAO1, MPLAO2, and MPLAO3, based on the
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