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Neurosarcoidosis--the great mimicker.

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BACKGROUND Neurosarcoidosis is rare and difficult to diagnose especially in the absence of systemic involvement. METHODS A 22-year-old African-American man presented with inability to gaze laterally. He underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) the day before that revealed "a 5-mm enhancing mass

[Corrected transposition of great arteries. Surgical results].

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Thirteen patients with congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries underwent cardiac surgery between May 1964 and May 1984. Eleven cases underwent corrective surgery and two palliative treatment. Four cases had closure of the ventricular septal defect two had pulmonary valvotomy, two

[About the death of Herod the Great].

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Herod the Great was the founder of a dynasty that reigned on Judea for several generations. His birth date is estimated on year 73 AC and died at 70 years old. Descriptions of the final disease of Herod were obtained from the classical chronicles of Flavius Josephus, "The Jewish war" and "Jewish

The DRESS syndrome: the great clinical mimicker.

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The life-threatening DRESS (drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms) syndrome is characterized by the presence of at least three of the following findings: fever, exanthema, eosinophilia, atypical circulating lymphocytes, lymphadenopathy, and hepatitis. This syndrome is difficult to

An Account of the Great Efficacy of the Digitalis Purpurea in Dropsies.

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[Expedition glycocalyx. A newly discovered "Great Barrier Reef"].

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Healthy vascular endothelium is luminally coated by an endothelial glycocalyx, which interacts with the bloodstream and assumes a filter function on the vascular wall. Although this structure was discovered nearly 70 years ago, its physiological importance has been underestimated for a long time.

Great auricular nerve involvement in leprosy: scope for misdiagnosis.

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Three patients with neuritis of the great auricular nerve (GAN) have been reported. Two patients seen by physicians and an otolaryngologist had prominent and tender cord along the neck with facial edema and history of fainting attack in one, and erythema and hyperaesthesia of the ear in the other

Hand rehabilitation after great toe transfer for thumb reconstruction.

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A comprehensive rehabilitation program for patients who have undergone a great toe to hand transfer for thumb reconstruction can significantly affect eventual functional outcome. When the thumb is amputated near the metacarpophalangeal joint, such a transfer provides a useful and aesthetic thumb

Presumptive keratoglobus in a great horned owl (Bubo virginianus).

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A juvenile to young adult, male, great horned owl (Bubo virginianus,GHOW) was presented to the wildlife rehabilitation hospital at Lindsay Wildlife Museum (WRHLWM) due to trauma to the right patagium from barbed wire entanglement. On presentation, both corneas were irregular, dry, and no movement of

The Great Masquerader: Syphilis Mimicking Papilledema and Traction Alopecia.

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Syphilis is often referred to as "the great masquerader," as it may present with a wide array of clinical symptoms and may mimic a variety of other diseases making diagnosis challenging. We report the case of a young, married woman who presented with a one-month history of significant hair

Ultrasound diagnosis of acute pulmonary edema: the oblivion of a great future behind us.

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Pericardial Disease, Myocardial Disease, and Great Vessel Abnormalities in Horses.

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Pericardial, myocardial, and great vessel diseases are relatively rare in horses. The clinical signs are often nonspecific and vague, or related to the underlying cause. Physical examination usually reveals tachycardia, fever, venous distension or jugular pulsation, a weak or bounding arterial

Percutaneous central venous catheterization via the great saphenous vein in neonates.

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In 44 neonates (mean birthweight 1207 g and mean gestational age 30.0 weeks), very small central venous catheters were percutaneously inserted via the great saphenous vein on 46 occasions. Catheter-related complications such as catheter blockages in 17 (37%), edema in a unilateral leg in three (6%),

Dioxin contamination and growth and development in great blue heron embryos.

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A great blue heron colony located near a pulp mill in British Columbia failed to fledge young in 1987, with a concurrent sharp increase in polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin (PCDD) and polychlorinated dibenzofuran (PCDF) levels in their eggs. In 1988 we tested the hypothesis that the PCDD and PCDF

Congenital unilateral pulmonary vein stenosis complicating transposition of the great arteries.

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Four patients with transposition of the great arteries and unilateral pulmonary vein (PV) stenosis, all left-sided, were studied. Two patients had an intact ventricular septum (1 with a patent ductus arteriosus), 1 patient had a ventricular septal defect and 1 had a ventricular septal defect with
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  • Virkar á 55 tungumálum
  • Jurtalækningar studdir af vísindum
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  • Gagnvirkt GPS kort - merktu jurtir á staðsetningu (kemur fljótlega)
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