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The anti-cancer organisations in Great Britain.

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The great Perry Nichols secret escharotic cancer treatment.

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The Dr. Nichols Sanatorium had a life of 60 years (1896-1956) and achieved its greatest success in Savannah, Missouri (1912-1956). More than 70,000 patients from every state and several foreign countries were treated for skin, mucosal and breast cancer. This paper will detail the author's

The messenger's great message for vaccination.

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Poly ribonucleic acid (RNA) is the only polymer capable to recapitulate all processes of life: containment of genetic information, enzymatic activities and capacity to create defined 3D structures. Since it has a remarkable chemical stability (at neutral or acidic pH) and can be modified to

Antiangiogenic cancer treatment: The great discovery and greater complexity (Review).

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The discovery of tumor angiogenesis opened a new path in fighting cancer. The approval of different antiangiogenic agents, most targeting vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) signaling, has either increased the effectiveness of standard chemotherapy or even replaced it by offering better

Drug eruptions associated with tumor therapy: Great imitators

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Many studies have investigated cutaneous reactions to antitumor drugs and found them to be quite numerous. We describe drug eruptions that may be associated with different therapies by class: antimetabolite chemotherapeutics, genotoxic agents, spindle inhibitors, signal transduction inhibitors, and

MUC1 Story: Great Expectations, Disappointments and the Renaissance.

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In the course of studying human mucin MUC1, an attitude towards this molecule has been changing time and again. Initially, the list of presumable functions of MUC1 was restricted to protecting and lubricating epithelium. To date, it is assumed to play an important role in cell signaling as well as

Adipose tissue stem cells: the great WAT hope.

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The past decade has witnessed an explosion in research into adipose tissue stem cells (ASCs), facilitated by their ease of isolation from white adipose tissue (WAT) and fueled by their therapeutic potential. Recent developments have extended ASC multipotency to include endodermal and ectodermal cell

Why Great Mitotic Inhibitors Make Poor Cancer Drugs

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Chemotherapy is central to oncology, perceived to operate only on prolific cancerous tissue. Yet, many non-neoplastic tissues are more prolific compared with typical tumors. Chemotherapies achieve sufficient therapeutic windows to exert antineoplastic activity because they are prodrugs that are

Biomarker for Cancer: A great Promise for Future.

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Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of a cell due to failure in the cell growth signaling system. Cure of cancer is done only by the complete removal of cancerous cells from the body, the process may sound simple but its implementation is almost impossible. There are number of problems regarding its

"Liquid biopsy"-ctDNA detection with great potential and challenges.

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Circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) is now being extensively studied as it is a noninvasive "real-time" biomarker that can provide diagnostic and prognostic information before, during treatment and at progression. These include DNA mutations, epigenetic alterations and other forms of tumor-specific

Cardiac transplantation in childhood cancer survivors in Great Britain.

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The aim of this study was to identify patients treated in Great Britain for childhood cancer and subsequently referred for cardiopulmonary transplantation in order to assess diagnosis, cancer treatment, management and outcome. Computerised record linkage between the National Registry of Childhood

Tellurium: an element with great biological potency and potential.

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Tellurium has long appeared as a nearly 'forgotten' element in Biology, with most studies focusing on tellurite, tellurate and a handful of organic tellurides. During the last decade, several discoveries have fuelled a renewed interest in this element. Bioincorporation of telluromethionine provides

Mito-methyl coumarin, a novel mitochondria-targeted drug with great antitumor potential was synthesized.

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Due to higher transmembrane potential of tumor cells, enhanced accumulation of cationic drugs in tumor mitochondria has been attributed to a higher (more negative inside) mitochondrial transmembrane potential compared with normal cells, emerging researchers are focus on developing

[Certain problems of the organization of oncological studies and anti-cancer campaign in Great Britain].

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The characteristics of the principal institutions representing oncological service in Great Britain are given. The role of the state official organs in the organization of oncological service among the population and cancer researches is discussed. The governmental control of most research

The great escape; the hallmarks of resistance to antiangiogenic therapy.

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The concept of antiangiogenic therapy in cancer treatment has led to the approval of different agents, most of them targeting the well known vascular endothelial growth factor pathway. Despite promising results in preclinical studies, the efficacy of antiangiogenic therapy in the clinical setting
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