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Celiac sprue (the great modern-day imposter).

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OBJECTIVE To review the current epidemiological information on celiac disease and the various presentations and associated. RESULTS Epidemiologic studies reveal celiac disease to be common, occurring in approx. 1% of the population. It is being diagnosed worldwide, even in developing countries. The

Diarrhea due to parasites particularly Cryptosporidium parvum in great Cairo, Egypt.

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A total of 110 stool samples from out and in-patients from different areas in Great Cairo suffering from diarrhea were examined for parasitic causes. Stool samples were subjected to the direct wet smear method and Sheather's sugar flotation and stained with Giemsa and/or modified Ziehl-Neelsen.

Dyspepsia, Diarrhea, and Deafness: Some Calling Cards of the Great Mimic!

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Great genetic diversity of rotaviruses detected in piglets with diarrhea in Thailand.

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A total of 491 fecal specimens collected from diarrheic piglets in Thailand from January 2011 to March 2014 were screened for group A rotavirus by RT-PCR assay. The G and P genotypes of the detected rotaviruses were determined by multiplex PCR or nucleotide sequencing. Group A rotaviruses were

[Environment and health: great concerns and fragile hopes].

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In the world, 24% of the burden of disease is attributable to environmental exposures: this proportion is up to 36% for 0-14 year old children. This notable impact on health is due partly to old environmental problems: 2.6 billion people, more than 40% of the world population, do not have access to

Herd-level prevalence of selected endemic infectious diseases of dairy cows in Great Britain.

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To implement appropriate and effective disease control programs at the national level, up-to-date and unbiased information on disease frequency is needed. The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of selected endemic infectious diseases in the population of dairy herds in Great Britain.

Seasonal effects on great ape health: a case study of wild chimpanzees and Western gorillas.

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Among factors affecting animal health, environmental influences may directly or indirectly impact host nutritional condition, fecundity, and their degree of parasitism. Our closest relatives, the great apes, are all endangered and particularly sensitive to infectious diseases. Both chimpanzees and

Immunologic defects as possible causes of therapeutic failures in children with transposition of the great arteries.

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Recurrent and severe infections and absence of thymic shadow in X-ray examination were observed in children with the transposition of the great arteries (TGA). Among 45 children (29 boys and 16 girls) with TGA whose age ranged from 3 days to 16 years and who were hospitalized during 1 year,

Great diversity of group A rotavirus strains and high prevalence of mixed rotavirus infections in India.

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We previously observed a marked diversity of rotavirus strains and a high prevalence of the uncommon serotype G9 in a small survey of rotavirus strains collected from six centers in India. In the present study, we characterized a larger collection of strains from children hospitalized with severe

Epidemiological Evaluation of Dogs Rescued in the Fukushima Prefecture Following the Great East Japan Earthquakes of 2011.

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IntroductionDogs left behind in the restricted area by the Great East Japan Earthquakes of 2011 (Fukushima Prefecture, Japan) were initially rescued at a temporary first response shelter under chaotic conditions: poor housing and husbandry was maintained by unfamiliar/untrained staff, and lack of

High prevalence of deep vein thrombosis in tsunami-flooded shelters established after the great East-Japan earthquake.

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High prevalence of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in disaster shelters has been reported in the aftermath of earthquakes in Japan. Calf DVT was examined using sonography in the shelters after the Great East Japan earthquake on March 11, 2011. By the end of July 2011, 701 out of 8,630 evacuees suspected
Blood samples were collected from 108 wild hogs (Sus scrofa) from the Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GSMNP), USA, February to July 1990. We found no antibodies for swine brucellosis, pseudorabies, bovine virus diarrhea virus or porcine rotavirus infection. Antibody titers to porcine parvovirus
OBJECTIVE Hikers and campers are exposed to risks while in the wilderness. One of these risks is the possibility of contracting an illness, including infectious diarrhea. This project tested for coliform bacteria in water samples taken near popular Appalachian Trail shelters. METHODS Water was
The Great East Japan Earthquakes of March 11, 2011 caused immense harm to the community and subsequent nuclear accident in Fukushima Prefecture extended the damage. Local residents were forced to evacuated without pets and the left behind animals were rescued from the restricted zone one month
BACKGROUND The best age for the arterial switch operation (ASO) in complete transposition of great arteries with ventricular septal defect is usually considered to be within six months. This is because of severe pulmonary arterial hypertension and pulmonary arterial obstructive pathological changes.
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