Haitian Creole


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Bonnevillamides, Linear Heptapeptides Isolated from a Great Salt Lake-Derived Streptomyces sp.

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Streptomyces sp. GSL-6B was isolated from sediment collected from the Great Salt Lake and investigation of its organic extract led to the isolation of three new linear heptapeptides, bonnevillamides A (1), B (2), and C (3). The bonnevillamides represent a new class of linear peptides featuring

[A case of great instability of the hemoglobin: hemoglobin bicêtre (author's transl)].

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The authors describe a new variant of unstable hemoglobin: hemoglobin Bicêtre, responsible for a severe hemolytic anemia in a young girl. This hemoglobin is characterized by the replacement of distal histidine (beta63 (E7)) by a proline, causing the molecule to be very unstable and very readily

Hemoglobin Great Lakes (beta 68 [E12] leucine replaced by histidine): a new high-affinity hemoglobin.

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Hemoglobin Great Lakes, beta 68 (E12) Leu replaced by His is a new high oxygen affinity hemoglobin variant discovered in a 29-yr-old female having numerous hospitalizations for thrombophlebitis associated with mild erythrocytosis. The mutant hemoglobin has normal stability and normal electrophoretic
BACKGROUND Hemoglobin (Hb) subunits are composed of the specific functional prosthetic group "heme'' and a protein moiety "globin". Bird Hbs are functionally similar to mammalian Hbs but they are structurally dissimilar with mammalian. The insufficient structural studies on avian Hbs limit us to
To evaluate Pseudomonas monteilii strain PN1 for the removal efficiency of P-nitrophenol (PNP) in soils and its growth promotion of maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings under drought and saline-alkali stress.PN1 can survive in soils contaminated with PNP dosage
CuI/l-proline catalyzed coupling of aqueous ammonia with 2-iodoacetanilides and 2-iodophenylcarbamates affords the aryl amination products at room temperature, which undergo in situ additive cyclization under acidic conditions or heating to give substituted 1H-benzimidazoles and

The influence of proline analogs on bleomycin-induced lung injury in rats.

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The influence of 3,4-dehydro-DL-proline and 3,4-dehydro-L-proline on lysyl oxidase, prolyl hydroxylase activities, collagen cross-linking and types of collagen in bleomycin-induced lung injury was investigated. Both proline analogs cause a great fall in prolyl hydroxylase activity without effect on

Carbamylation of N-terminal proline.

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Protein carbamylation is of great concern both in vivo and in vitro. Here, we report the first structural characterization of a protein carbamylated at the N-terminal proline. The unexpected carbamylation of the α-amino group of the least reactive codified amino acid has been detected in

Short sequences of non-proline residues can adopt the polyproline II helical conformation.

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The left-handed polyproline II (P(II)) helix is a structure that has been given a great deal of attention lately because of its role in a wide variety of physiologically important processes and potential significance in protein unfolded states. Recent work by several authors has shown that residues

Some proline substituent effects in the tandem mass spectrum of protonated pentaalanine.

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Tandem mass spectral effects of the replacement of alanine by proline in pentaalanine were studied. The principal difference when residue 3 or 4 is proline is the great enhancement of the y3 or y2 ion, respectively. This is precisely the principal difference which thermochemical arguments predict,

Site-specific alteration of cysteine 281, cysteine 344, and cysteine 349 in the proline carrier of Escherichia coli.

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Cys-281, Cys-344, or Cys-349 in the proline carrier of Escherichia coli was changed to a serine residue by site-specific mutagenesis. The activities of the resultant mutants for uptake of proline were as great as that of the wild-type strain. These mutant carriers were all as sensitive as the

EF-P is essential for rapid synthesis of proteins containing consecutive proline residues.

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Elongation factor P (EF-P) is a translation factor of unknown function that has been implicated in a great variety of cellular processes. Here, we show that EF-P prevents ribosome from stalling during synthesis of proteins containing consecutive prolines, such as PPG, PPP, or longer proline strings,

3-Substituted prolines: from synthesis to structural applications, from peptides to foldamers.

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Among the twenty natural proteinogenic amino acids, proline is unique as its secondary amine forms a tertiary amide when incorporated into biopolymers, thus preventing hydrogen bond formation. Despite the lack of hydrogen bonds and thanks to conformational restriction of flexibility linked to the
In this study, the efficiency and practical utilization feasibility of niosomal and liposomal nanovesicles loading Isoleucine-Proline-Proline (IPP) as suitable ingredients of functional beverages were evaluated. Vesicles were tailored by different preparation methods using phospholipid and non-ionic

The significance of proline on lignocellulose-derived inhibitors tolerance in Clostridium acetobutylicum ATCC 824.

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When lignocellulosic biomass was used for acetone-butanol-ethanol (ABE) fermentation, several lignocellulose-derived inhibitors, which are toxic to Clostridium acetobutylicum, were generated during acid hydrolysis process and seriously hindered the industrialization of lignocellulosic butanol. In
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