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Ewing's sarcoma of the great toe. A case report.

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A case of Ewing's Sarcoma originating the great toe is reported. Because of the rarity of its appearance outside the pelvis and long tubular bones, Ewing's Sarcoma is often misdiagnosed when it occurs in the distal portion of the extremities. Ewing's Sarcoma may be difficult to distinguish from

Review on gall bladder myeloid sarcoma: a great masquerader

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Pain in abdomen has wide differentials and narrowing down the clinical possibilities depends on type of pain, location, characterization which is usually assisted by imaging studies. Cholecystitis and cholelithiasis are amongst the common causes of acute abdomen. This study reviews the literature

Sarcoma the great "masquerader" hematoma/deep vein thrombosis manifestation.

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BACKGROUND The clinical presentation of patients with soft-tissue sarcoma is highly variable. Most patients present with a painless mass, typically one that is increasing in size, and few have systemic symptoms such as fever, weight loss, or malaise. Soft tissue sarcomas can initially present as, or

Occupational cancer burden in Great Britain.

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A sound knowledge base is required to target resources to reduce workplace exposure to carcinogens. This project aimed to provide an objective estimate of the burden of cancer in Britain due to occupation. This volume presents extensive analyses for all carcinogens and occupational circumstances

Treatment for Kaposi sarcoma herpesvirus: great challenges with promising accomplishments.

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Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) is associated with three distinct malignancies: Kaposi sarcoma (KS), primary effusion lymphoma, and multicentric Castleman disease. Treatment modalities for KSHV have largely been developed based on understanding its molecular pathogenesis. The KSHV

Sarcomas of the great vessels. Is there a role for chemotherapy?

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[Retroperitoneal tumors and surgery of the great vessels].

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The great vessels have long been considered as the limiting point for exeresis of abdominal tumors. We report eleven retroperitoneal tumors which led to more or less extensive vascular involvement. There were two benign tumors (neurofibroma, angiolymphoid tumor), 6 primary malignant tumors

Subungual Ewing sarcoma/PNET tumor family of the great toe: a case report.

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Ewing's sarcoma is seen mainly in patients less than 18. This aggressive tumor generally affects the axial skeleton and only rarely involves the acral regions. Ewing's sarcoma in the foot is inordinately scarce. Clinical features are uncertain and can imitate other common diseases. This paper

Myxoid dermatofibroma on a great toe: a case report.

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Dermatofibroma is a common benign fibrohistiocytic tumor with many clinicopathological variants. Myxoid dermatofibroma is one of these variants, which is characterized by marked stromal mucin deposition. This report presents a case of myxoid dermatofibroma on a great toe that had been slowly growing

Surgical management of thoracic malignancies invading the heart or great vessels.

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BACKGROUND Surgical resection of thoracic malignancies involving either the heart or great vessels is uncommonly performed because of the potential morbidity and mortality for an unknown probability of significant palliation or cure. We reviewed our experience of 10 patients treated surgically,

Primary malignant sarcomas of the heart and great vessels in adult patients--a single-center experience.

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BACKGROUND Sarcomas arising in the heart or the great vessels are rare entities. The prognosis of the patients is dismal. METHODS Between January 1993 and September 2006, of 1,429 patients registered to the Sarcoma Center, 14 had a primary sarcoma of the heart or large vessels. RESULTS Tumors were

Malignant tumors of the heart and great vessels: MR imaging appearance.

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Fortunately, primary tumors of the heart and great vessels are rare. These primary tumors include angiosarcoma, malignant fibrous histiocytoma, high-grade and pleomorphic sarcoma, and paraganglioma with pericardial and myocardial invasion. Symptoms are often nonspecific and include chest pain and

Radiation-induced leiomyosarcoma of the great vessels presenting as superior vena cava syndrome.

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A patient with a pleomorphic intravascular leiomyosarcoma of the great vessels of the neck and mediastinum presented clinically with a superior vena cava syndrome. A latent period of 29 years elapsed between receiving orthovoltage radiation to the neck and right side of chest to treat recurrent

Imaging features of primary sarcomas of the great vessels in CT, MRI and PET/CT: a single-center experience.

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BACKGROUND To investigate the imaging features of primary sarcomas of the great vessels in CT, MRI and (18)F-FDG PET/CT. METHODS Thirteen patients with a primary sarcoma of the great vessels were retrospectively evaluated. All available images studies including F-18 FDG PET(/CT) (n = 4), MDCT (n =

Spatial clustering of childhood cancer in Great Britain during the period 1969-1993.

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The aetiology of childhood cancer is poorly understood. Both genetic and environmental factors are likely to be involved. The presence of spatial clustering is indicative of a very localized environmental component to aetiology. Spatial clustering is present when there are a small number of areas
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